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The countries that we think of as the "most free" are the least free when it comes to vaccine mandates and covid tyranny.
A simple article sharing a useful resource for analyzing worldwide vaccine compliance rates
The Graveyard of Empires takes another one.
The French are at it again. They continue to impress.
The deep state isn't even trying to hide it anymore, are they?
Retired military members in France penned a letter to let their elected leaders know that the country is on the path to civil war. This article is their letter in its entirety, translated into English.
The Venezuela Power Struggle is getting even more crazy. Now there are two presidents and 0 electricity. What does the future hold for Venezuelans?
Curious about the Venezuelan inflation? Or the conversion from Bolivars to USD? Click here for a simple and easy breakdown.
There are a lot of misconceptions about our missile defense systems. Read more about our Pacific Fleet interceptors here.
Rodrigo Duterte, better known as "The Punisher", is relentlessly fighting the war on drugs in the Philippines. What are the results thus far?
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