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We live in exciting times.
A whitepilling moment: The British protest against immigration.
Picture it: Our mortal enemy—Christendom's arch-adversary—is now the only entity actively defending Christ over the 2024 Olympics in Paris.
Yet another stolen South American election? No way José!
Haven't you noticed? Europe is controlled by a uniparty no different from the United States.
Israel And Their Policy Of Nuclear Ambiguity: Destroyed In The 1980s By Mordechai Vanunu
A world on the precipice.
They must be real confident that the United States is going to assist in their little 'Greater Israel' plan.
I am trying to come up with a rebranded name for The Institute For The Study Of War—This title is perhaps more accurate.
So-called "red lines" in geopolitics are not always as they seem.
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