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When men become weak, other men come in to replace them. Male Emasculation in America: How it is happening and what the results will bring.
The issue of illegal immigration is a topic well worth diving into. There are a lot of subtle pieces that most people don't consider.
The mainstream media regularly and shamelessly changes narratives to fit a political agenda that is set up for them by their donors.
The leftist war on reality is viciously hot with Donald Trump's victory. But it shouldn't come as a surprise.
Looking for Barack Obama's Accomplishments? You'll find them all listed here.
If you've driven a car in America recently, it's likely you've seen the coexist bumper sticker. The Contradict Movement has an alternative.
Sally Kohn lies and states that the democrats didn't use the nuclear option. Even though she wrote about it extensively when they did.
Looking for the best 1984 quotes by George Orwell? You've come to the right place. Included within are my top 10 favorite quotes.
Let's elect the media. They can campaign just like all the other politicians.
Stefan Molyneux nailed my feelings on the Susan Rice scandal. It's simply collusion between the mainstream media and corrupt politics.
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