FBI Versus KGB: Is There A Difference?
Really, is there any difference at this point between the FBI and the KGB?
Media Manipulation: Push A False Hoax Only To Slyly Retract It Later
An example of the media manipulation tactic of running a false hoax only to retract it at a later time that is convenient for them.
How The Baby Killers Murder Children
The Unites States worships Moloch. Here is exactly how the baby killers murder children.
Friendly Reminder: Firefox and Mozilla Want To Destroy You
They are not your friends. Firefox does not want you to exist anymore. Mozilla wants to destroy you and replace you with cheap labor.
Trying To Close An Amazon Account is Hell
Trying to close an amazon account? Good luck and welcome to hell.
Flu Hospitalizations “Drop” By 98%
It is truly remarkable how all of the flu hospitalizations just vanished this year. Who could have ever expected that to happen?
They Are Openly Flaunting The Election Fraud Now
First, they called it a conspiracy. Then, they called it domestic terrorism. Now, they are openly flaunting the election fraud.
The Opinion-Molding Operations Part 2: Distortioners
How do they mold your opinions? How do they break the strong? A lengthy article on the subversive operations of moles and distortioners.
How To Fight Big Tech
A blueprint for how to fight big tech and actually win.
New York Times Asks For A Leftist “Reality” Czar
This is going to work great. A leftist reality czar. Truly, a phenomenal idea.
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