250+ Bible Verses To Meditate On And Memorize
A list of over 250 essential bible verses. Useful for memorization and meditation on the Word.
Ways To Contribute: Media Mogul
Next up on our list of strategy options: The narrative wizard. Also known as a media mogul.
World War Is Coming. Are You Ready?
It will not be a surprise when it happens. A World War is clearly building up. Now is the only time you will have to prepare. Don't waste it.
Christian End Times: On Historic Eschatology
Are we living in the End Times? What do those days even look like? A brief look at two historic positions of the church regarding the latter days.
Spooky Season Ends
The month of the scares, pumpkin spice, and ghost lore is coming to an end.
Ways To Contribute: The Community Chieftain
We need far less keyboard-warriors and far more local chieftains. Want to get involved with an effective strategy? Here is how.
Enjoy The Good Times While You Can
Because you never know how much longer those good times will last.
Should Dissidents Join The Military?
Discussing the powder keg issue.
Our Harmful Health Environment: Detox and Avoidance Strategies
Two great resources for improving your health and nutrition. Both needed given the harmful environment created by modernity.
A Tremendous Commentary: The Kretzmann Project
Recommending a favorite Biblical commentary of mine: The Kretzmann Project.
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