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There are three major church bodies that are helping to facilitate the flood of illegal immigrants across the border. Can you guess which three?
Get it together. Time is short and is not guaranteed. Other people being blind is not an excuse.
A quick meme check for when you're not sure if you're dealing with a normal person or an insane psychopath.
Israel's ethnic cleansing of Gaza (and probably Lebanon/Syria in the near future) has brought back this annoying label among evangelicals.
Should most modern products even be called "food"? I doubt it. Share these 15 memes with your obese friend who won't stop eating the soyslop.
Are you already a prepper? Then consider adopting the preparer strategy for the entire movement, instead of just prepping for yourself.
One of the most important articles for dissidents to read is an essay that dates back to 1936 that discusses the Great American Remnant.
A recovering perennialist formally disavows his former beliefs and positions.
Looking at a few key sections of the Talmud that reference Jesus of Nazareth.
An impactful lesson we can learn from Augustine's Confessions: The Story of the Wasteland.
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