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Social media has been around ever since I was young. Many of us have seen the vanity of social media from the beginning.
Any type of street fighter or other non-sport fighter should always follow one rule: end the fight quickly.
It's important in this age of censorship to keep a close check on personal and essential data. Whether it is through saving a YouTube video from someone that may soon get deleted, or keeping past logs of mischievous or lying behavior from officials. The 3-2-1 rule is perfect for this.
A simple and easy-to-follow guide to get you started with fasting. We take a look at the benefits of fasting, the 16:8 method, the 5:2 method, and the Alternate Day method. This simple guide to intermittent fasting will help you choose a method and provide a few personal tips I learned while fasting.
A timeless masterpiece detailing the horrific tragedies and ruthlessness of communism within the Soviet Union: The Gulag Archipelago by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn.
There are a few common wilderness survival mistakes you should know about.
Stay safe from doxxing by following these social media presence tips.
Chances are if you're reading this, you have already figured out why you shouldn't take advice from certain people. But why is that?
There is a ton of 'priceless advice' out there. What advice has shaped you as a person? A quick review of some of my own lessons in life.
Have you given "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley a read yet? If not, you really should. This masterpiece is well worth a short read. Click here to check out a review of the book with a few thought-provoking quotes.
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