The Problem Of Evil: Christian Theories
Are you a Boydian, Augustinian, Irenaean, Isaiahic, or 'other'? Reviewing some of the prevailing theories regarding the problem of evil.
The New ‘Big Tobacco’: Marijuana and Schizophrenia
Some new insights on the link between marijuana and schizophrenia show that "Big Weed" may soon follow the path of Big Tobacco.
Breaking God’s Law: The Futility Of Violence Against The Enemy
Let the beast destroy itself. When God desires to destroy clown world, he will enjoy that pleasure himself.
The Only Knowledge That Matters
A wholesome meme to start us off strong this Monday
Even The Fish Are On Anti-Depressants
Researchers tested nearly 100 fish and found an average of seven pharmaceutical drugs per fish, even finding 17 in one single fish.
The Industrial Revolution Diet: Unlimited Microplastics
Microplastics: an unescapable plague.
Modernity Provides The Opposite Of What It Preaches
Some thoughts on the lies of modernity.
MGTOW: Men Going The Wrong Way
You have ran from the battlefield, so go. We don't need your reasons, justifications, or excuses. A discourse on the MGTOW idea.
The Crime Of The Century Documentary
Recommending a documentary on the corruption within Big Pharma, along with their lackeys in Big Medicine and the government.
To Be A Gentleman, You Must First Be A Man
It's a common saying, but it bears repeating for a wider audience. To acquire the title of gentleman, one must first be a man.
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