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How to fix a decaying republic: Julius Caesar style.
Discussing one of the most powerful psyops: Implicit Surrender. Along with ways you can detect and avoid it.
Using Stephen Goodson's book "A History of Central Banking and the Enslavement of Mankind" to decipher a recent BlackRock exposé.
We continue to learn much about race realism. Let us open up the door to also bring religious realism into the discussion.
We do not need to weaken ourselves or our positions because of the fleeting wind positions of the masses.
Making it simple: Defining the 7 stages of the cycle of collapse.
Libertarians and conservative's favorite slogan: "We're in favor of immigration, just not illegal immigration."
Have we reached the point of no return?
Exploring the genesis of how nations fall.
An essential read: The Decline of the West by Oswald Spengler
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