What Is The Zealot Class?
Both democracies and republics demonstrate a type of "zealot class" as they degenerate. What is this class and why does it form?
Capitalist Healthcare: As Bad As Socialist Healthcare But For Different Reasons
On the problems of capitalist healthcare. Which can be just as problematic as socialist healthcare, but for very different reasons.
Democracy Is Not Real: It Is A Rule By Zealots
Democracy is not real. The rule by majority never truly exists. Not when a zealot class can form and transform it into a rule by zealots.
Cicero On Anacyclosis And The Cycle Of Collapse
Some insight from Cicero on anacyclosis. Part of our series on key historical texts on the political cycle of collapse.
Francesco Sansovino On Anacyclosis And The Cycle Of Collapse
An insightful look into the cycle of political collapse. Francesco Sansovino on anacyclosis: Methods and solutions.
Montesquieu On Anacyclosis And The Cycle Of Collapse
Further historical insight into the cycle of collapse. Montesquieu on anacyclosis, using his work "Complete Works - The Spirit Of The Laws".
Eric Hoffer: On The Nature Of Mass Movements
Hoffer's book on the nature of mass movements is a phenomenal work. "True Believer" dives into what we need to know about movement formation.
John Adams On Anacyclosis And The Cycle Of Collapse
John Adams, in his work the Defence of the Constitutions, lays out a very convincing report on anacyclosis and the degeneration of the USA
The Cooperation Between Centralizers: Cultural Elite and Political Elite
Judicial Watch uncovered how the California government has been forcing Big Tech to censor opponents. This shows the cooperation between centralizers.
The Cycle of Collapse: How Governments Fall
The ultimate article on how governments fall. Addressing the anacyclosis cycle of political regime change and the cycle of collapse.
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