The Fall Of The Petrodollar: Say Hello To Hyperinflation
The life-altering threat of hyperinflation inches closer. Various countries make moves to bring about the fall of the petrodollar.
Everybody Gets A Free Crack Pipe
Make sure you pick up a free crack pipe the next time you're in town. The government is providing them free of charge.
Trade: The Global Transition 1960-2020
Exploring the global trade transition from 1960 to 2020. How have primary trading partners shifted over time?
The Heightened Need For Nationalism In A Globalized World
Globalization has not diminished the need for nationalism. It has only increased it.
The $94 Trillion World Economy
Reviewing the world economy through global GDP in 2021. Along with all the red flags that it currently presents to worldwide stability.
The Unequal Effect When Comparing Capitalism And Socialism
There is an unequal effect when comparing capitalism and socialism, because both are based on different foundational principles.
Rand Paul’s 2021 Festivus Report
Rand Paul released his 2021 Festivus Report for the year and it's as great as always. Come see how your tax money funds gambling for pigeons.
Remember When The Fed Said That Inflation Is Transitory?
Either they're really dumb or they're really evil. Perhaps both.
Using Supply and Demand To Address Social Issues
Looking at social issues through a different kind of lens. Using supply and demand to address topics like abortion, immigration, and guns.
A Necessary Culture Change: From Consumption To Production
Why we must move from a consumption to production culture. Both from an individual mindset and a national mindset.
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