An Argument Against UBI: Universal Basic Income
What is the difference between Universal Basic Income (UBI) and Negative Income Tax (NIT)? Are either of them good ideas? Spoiler alert: No.
Free Trade: Why It Is Bad For All Of Us
Free trade is bad for all of us. It lowers GDP, decreases our sovereignty, threatens the middle class, and raises income inequality.
Undeniable timing: Twitter purges dozens of Cuban reporters just before president’s speech
Plenty of nefarious actions by Twitter recently. They just purged dozens of Cuban reporters right before the president’s speech. Lovely.
50 Reasons Why New York Sucks
If you want to know why New York sucks, look no further. Click here and read our exhaustive list of 50 reasons why New York sucks.
How Rich Are The World’s Richest Families? Ridiculously
Have you ever asked yourself how much the Waltons make per minute? And how rich are the world's richest families, anyway?
Millennials Want Jobs and Education Instead of Kids… Or Do They?
Maybe there is a better, alternative headline other than "Millennials Want Jobs and Education Instead of Kids"? Let's find out.
Our 2020 Candidates Thoughts on Student Loans Are Just As Stupid As You Would Imagine
Our political candidates have some thoughts on student loans. Well, I have some thoughts on our political candidates.
Ridding reliance on fossil fuels in the power sector would cost us $4.7 trillion
What would happen if we were to remove our reliance on fossil fuels in the power sector? Well, for one, it would cost us nearly five trillion.
The Preppers Guide On Savings Tax (Inflation)
One of the most overlooked area by preppers and survivalists alike: inflation. Learn about the savings tax and how to diversify.
Venezuela Power Struggle: 2 Presidents and 0 Electricity
The Venezuela Power Struggle is getting even more crazy. Now there are two presidents and 0 electricity. What does the future hold for Venezuelans?
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