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Being the light in the darkness that is modernity. Addressing ancestral tradition in modernity.
There is a certain traditional aspect, and heritage, that is embedded within us from our ancestral lineage. A piece of us that follows from a long line of others like us.
It comes in many different shapes and representations, from our personality to our emotions to our philosophies. It also comes through our understanding of the natural order and normalcy.
Modernity is an explicit rejection of that ancestral tradition. Modernity rejects any type of a natural ordering of humanity, any type of proper hierarchy, all forms of merit, and any belief in the term “normalcy”. Instead, it rejects hierarchy, merit, the natural order, and what is normal.
It’s an inversion, a perversion of the ancestral traditions of old.
Most of my readers will already know of this with obvious golden calfs like “progress”. Progress being just a return to the decadent ways of old, a return to the worse periods on the cycle of national collapse.
So, we know of this perversion when it comes to leftists and progressivism. Leftism destroys tradition, heritage, and respect for any ancestral tradition. It is embedded with secularism and self-hate, which progresses down to their ancestors. Progressivism does the same by destroying it all in favor of returning to the worse-off starting point from which tradition must be rebuilt.
But modernity does not infect just the left. It’s much more extreme in their arena, certainly, but the destruction of ancestral tradition also comes wrapped in a Right-leaning package. It does so in the form of other traditional desecrations, such as that of a NatSoc focus, libertarianism, MRAs, and the like.
NatSoc, through the worship on the lowest form of race (race of the body over that of the race of the soul/spirit), libertarianism through the allowances for cultural degeneracy and indifference of normalcy/hierarchy, and MRAs for the hostility toward the natural order (Men versus women instead of men with women).
All of these, and plenty others, are just as inverse to the ancestral traditions as leftism. It’s a corruption of both the Right and the left with modernity beliefs and customs. Modernity beliefs that can only ever lead toward hate and failure, just like with everything else in modernity.
The Right is supposed to be the “conservative” branch, but all of these “Right” leaning-beliefs are mere morphs of a more classical form of progressivism. As we discussed with the cycle of collapse, as the cycle progresses, the conservatives must “conserve” a more recent spot on the cycle, which is almost always a previous progressive point. The modern conservatives become mere progressives of the past, trying to conserve a more recent point instead of a traditional point.
From this corruption is where the extremism and further perversions begin. It is no wonder why so many flee conservatism and align with the libertarian/NatSoc/MRA/whatever else groups when there is no fruitful purpose to conservatism anymore when you recognize their inevitable failure.
But there is an alternative. It is an alternative that loses traction as each day progresses on and it becomes harder and harder to stick with it. But it is also the only option that is rooted in sustainability and sanity. That alternative is the ancestral traditions. The foundations of your civilization.
In the case of Western civilization, that is the Greco-Roman and Christendom tradition.
Both of these held true to a natural order, hierarchy, merit system, cultural normalcy, and some Pagan/Christian religious ties (objective morality) depending on the time period and location. Both are far superior to that of modernity. And again, both rejected “progressivism” in favor of slow and secure traditional advancements.
Progressives are natural movers who will constantly change, so they have no torch to carry from the onset. They can only destroy the traditions of old, not build anew.
Conservatives are followers who must constantly keep up with the progressive pushes, so they have to keep finding new, ever-worse, torches along with way.
The Tradition approach is to keep that original torch, a light that forever shines, to never abandon it.
There is a need for individuals that can carry the traditional ancestral heritage forward, for when modernity inevitably crashes from both the modern right and modern left. So that it can be preserved for when both other attempts clearly and demonstratably fail.
Some must actually carry it forward, however. But those numbers will keep reducing in size as modernity marches on and steals more of our people.
As we carry on that ancestral tradition, we cannot just believe it, we must live it. We have to do our best to unplug from modernity and live a more traditional lifestyle, be one with a natural order in our family system, find proper hierarchy with our work and community, live in complete religious or spiritual harmony (normalcy), and keep a balance between nature and state.
We have to not just believe in the torch, but actively carry it forward. Those ancestral traditions will come in handy once modernity comes crashing down around us. Whether that is in our generation, or our kids, we must be the light that keeps moving forward until that day arrives.
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