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There is a lot of conflicting information surrounding organic produce. Should we actually buy organic? The answer is a resounding YES.
You have two choices. Organic or conventional.
It is not a small decision. Your choice will determine your emasculation levels and the physiognomy of your descendents over time.
You can usually peg where people are on the crunchy scale pretty easily. There are four levels of knowledge on the food industry regarding organic produce:
Be a #4.
Most of us travel up this scale as we learn more. It’s alright if you’re still at a #2 or #3, but let’s push you in this article to grow and get higher.
I had initially thought most dissidents would already be at a #4, but I was wrong. We have an alarming amount of #3s as dissidents. They aren’t completely wrong, as much of the organic world is certainly a marketing scam. But they haven’t evolved fully yet and need to put more study in. They are stuck at the Redditor stage, which is troubling.
For the #3s here: Listen, you are not going to completely erase pesticide use or chemical problems. We all get that. The goal is not zero pesticide or bust. We seek both harm minimization and nutrition maximization. The less pesticide a person consumes over time—and the better nutrition they receive—the less of a disgusting soy boy they become. ‘Buy organic’ is one solid step in that direction.
The same argument always happens with microplastics. Dissidents come in and say we can’t erase them all, so let’s just not do anything. It’s the all-or-nothing attitude that is so common in our side of the political aisle.
They are correct: No, we can’t avoid all the microplastics. But equally so, you probably shouldn’t be inhaling a credit card everyday just because zero microplastics is unattainable. It is not a scam or bad to minimize microplastics as much as possible. In fact, it is logical. It’s called harm minimization.
Organic is no different. It does not need to be completely pesticide-free or flawless. It just needs to be better than conventional given a cost-analysis of the two (comparing the benefits versus the costs of each). Which it is. Without a doubt.
As I said: Organic gives fewer pesticides and more nutrition. Let’s start with the former.
Organic is significantly harm minimizing when it comes to pesticides (click here for full listing):
This should be enough to encourage you to buy organic. It will minimize the horrible pesticides that will wreck your hormones (for both men and women). By both amount and intensity. It’ll help your kids developmentally. Why not pay an extra few dollars each week to get those benefits?
But it goes deeper than just this.
Organic is not just about pesticide preponderance. As I said above: There is also the fact that genuine organic produce is healthier by itself.
This is because of the soil. Organic produce found at specific food stores that cater to organic audiences is grown using better soil. Better soil means better nutrients. Better nutrients means healthier you. Healthier you means more stable hormone levels and less soy boy potential.
(The above is certainly an elementary-level explanation, but I have found that most people have absolutely zero knowledge on the importance of soil, so it’s important to dumb that down as much as possible. The average person is so distant from how food is created that they don’t understand that dirt is not all the same thing. You can find higher-level information at some resources I will share later in this article.)
The vast majority of soil used in the modern day is complete garbage, which is why so many people are nutrient deprived.
Yes, the industrial revolution screwed up everything. It is what it is. We can’t go back; only forward. An easy way for you to personally overcome this problem is with organic produce from small-to-medium farms. Better soil and restorative agricultural practices play a huge part in getting your body what it needs.
Few people realize, but soil matters more than anything else in the growing of produce. Use bad soil and you get bad products. The seed is much less important than the surrounding. Organic farms use better soil practices and usually do regenerative agriculture, whereas conventional does not. This makes a world of difference.
That means organic often equals a healthier end product and one with less hormone disrupting pesticides. And neither of these are by a small margin either. So paying an extra $0.30 for the organic apples is worth the cost.
The #3’s redditors on this list are nearly always city people that have never stepped foot on a farm. They have no idea how modern farming or ranching practices work, but they read a few things about organic marketing published by Big Ag and immediately wrote everything else off. These people have never seen a normal farm, much less an organic one.
The same stupidity always happens with grass-fed meat versus conventional. Go compare a small ranch to the massive production centers. They are night-and-day different. Local ranchers don’t put mystery meat and worms into their ground beef. The factories sure as hell do. It’s completely legal for the big guys to serve you some really nasty, deranged meat.
The same thing happens on conventional versus organic farms regarding produce. It’s not all about pesticides. It’s about who is growing your food. Organic growers, more often than conventional, care about what they make, because they also eat it. They take care of their soil because it is all they have; It is their livelihood. They don’t have an additional 10,000 acres to screw up like Big Ag.
I have even personally met conventional ranchers and farmers that don’t actually eat their own mystery products. They buy organic. Go figure.
This is a side-tangent, but I love sharing this story. About a year ago, I met one meat inspector that told a local rancher I am good friends with not to condemn meat that was literally full of worms because it could just be made into ground beef. That is completely legal in the conventional realm. Obviously, she denied it, because she is a small-time rancher and if word got around she did something like that, the reputation hit would destroy her. Plus, she lives and works with those who buy her products. If she won’t eat it, she won’t sell it. Good luck finding conventional meat producers with that same mindset. They’ll sell you their mystery worm-meat while they buy organic.
So when dissidents say “I won’t eat ze bugs“, but then go buy conventional meat—Guess what buddy, you’re already eating ze bugs.
Want to know why so many men today look like a feminized version of a dis-configured male corpse? Or why there are so many women with problems conceiving children or are plagued with hormonal issues? It’s because of problems with the food: Our food is literally designed to kill us.
We can’t fix it completely, but we can minimize the harm we take in. One step in doing so is to buy organic from a trustworthy grocer or other producer. I like to get mine local from a grocer that primarily sources local. A lot of these kind of grocers are popping up nowadays, and they often have days where you can even tour the farms/ranches of where they get their products.
I am not saying to go to Walmart and buy their organic produce. Theirs is probably not great. But find a health conscious grocer near you and just go in and ask them where they source stuff from. Usually the manager loves talking about that kind of stuff. You’ll get more information than you can handle.
A good grocer or farmer’s market that seeks local organic produce is a health-saver well worth the investment.
Fixing my nutrition completely changed my life. I want other dissidents to freely get that benefit as well. Which is why I get so worked up and passionate over these seemingly mundane topics.
All I’m asking is to help yourself. Buy organic. And don’t listen to the enlightened redditor nonsense about how organic is just a marketing gimmick. Go grab yourself a subscription to Plain Values magazine or study the research material from Weston A. Price Foundation to get yourself up to speed. Once you put in the time, you’ll quickly see how the modern Big Ag and other anti-organic crowds have both lied to you.
In this article, I didn’t even mention the benefits of supporting local farmers/ranchers over the big centralized players that hate you. But that’s a factor, as well. Sustainable local producers will save you in the upcoming collapse. But Bayer and Co. sure won’t do you any favors. So stop giving your hard-earned money to the bad guys that want you to grow man-boobs through their estrogen-packed produce.
I also strongly encourage everyone: If you have never been, go to an actual organic farm and see the difference. The same goes about grass-fed ranchers. The vast majority of both freely offer tours to see the difference. Good luck even finding a conventional farm/factory that will let you see inside. You’ll have to search spy videos on YouTube to see their production areas.
But seriously, go visit them. I promise you that you will see the difference plain as day. I have never met a person that has actually seen how local organic is made ever return to buying conventional produce. It’s only the city people that have never stepped foot on a farm that do so.
Do not mess with your health, especially in our post Industrial Revolution world.
There is literally no reason to buy conventional. No excuses.
If you stay healthy and keep your kids healthy down the generational line, your descendents will appear as superhumans to the (future) modern man a century from now. Just look at how pathetic the men and women already look and multiply that degeneration by four or five generations…If they even can procreate for that long. These freaks are going to look like Gollum from Lord of the Rings, whereas your great grandchildren will look like freshly chiseled Greek statues in comparison. The physical degeneration wrought about from our food is coming due, and you have the power to be one of the few generational lines that survive it.
Be that patriarch/matriarch for that kind of family. Start today by simply buying local, good-soil organic produce and grass-fed, grass-finished local meats. It’s not hard, and you’ll notice the difference in only a couple of months. I guarantee it.
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