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How are body fat and testosterone interlinked? What are some tips/lifestyle changes you can do to keep your Test at a healthy level?
Body Fat and Testosterone are directly interlinked. Both of them can strongly affect one another and lead to an interlinked cycle of weight gain/poor health. But first, what exactly is testosterone?
Testosterone is:
The primary male sex hormone in charge of the development of male reproductive tissues, bone mass, and secondary sex characteristics. Additionally, testosterone plays a key role in the health and well-being in males.
In relation to our (men’s) health, it goes like this:
And the reverse is true as well.
The general path that the male body takes when body fat is increased is:
It’s all a cycle.
And why does this happen?
Well, we’re not 100% sure. But one factor we do know that heavily contributes is aromatization.
As you gain weight, there is an increase in the level of aromatase in your fat cells. Aromatase is the enzyme that converts testosterone to estrogen (estradiol). So what do you get? Less test, more estrogen.
This is why it can become a vicious cycle. If you gain weight, your testosterone goes down, making it harder to lose weight. As you continue to gain weight, it becomes even harder.
If you have a drop in testosterone (for whatever reason), it’s harder to maintain your weight, because of the tendency to hold on to more fat thru aromatase.
That is why it is absolutely essential to maintain a healthy level of testosterone.
With the fall of test levels across Western countries, this is more important than ever.
Go see your doctor. Get tested. And do things to help keep your testosterone in check.
You don’t need to go out and buy a supplement. Most of them are BS, anyway. Do it naturally, do it right. Then you can keep your Test high without spending extra money on snake oil.
Avoid male emasculation through the following lifestyle changes:
If you do all of these, and your Test still isn’t going up when you get it checked at the doctor, there is likely a health problem. Consult with your physician on ways this can be fixed, you may need a physician-approved Test supplement.
Test levels have been plummeting across the board in recent years. The fight against it is now, before we all become effectively neutered.
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