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Crime Is Reparations

BLM: “Crime Is Reparations”. If That’s True, Then They’ve Already Been Paid

It turns out we've been paying reparations for the past 150+ years without even realizing it. Crime is reparations... and we're all paid up.

Crime Is Reparations

A rare decent take from the WSJ (of course as an opinion piece):

Has the Time for Reparations Come or Gone?

Arif Hyder Ali acknowledges that only “those who violated that norm”—that is, the actual perpetrators of crimes—were held responsible at the Nuremberg trials. Yet he proposes to hold current generations of Americans responsible for acts committed by some of their forebears.

In his June 10 op-ed “International Law Demands Reparations for American Slavery,” Arif Hyder Ali argues that Americans should now pay reparations to descendants of African slaves. I would suggest the American taxpayers have already paid these reparations via President Johnson’s Great Society programs that were designed to end poverty and racial injustice. The Heritage Foundation calculates that in the past 56 years these programs have cost $22 trillion—considerably more than the $14 trillion that BET co-founder, Robert Johnson, argues is the amount now owed. As scenes of rioting and destruction play out on the nightly news, we can each reflect and judge whether Johnson’s grand social experiment justified the cost or produced a worthwhile result.

The $14 trillion would be an easy amount to hit via the combination of the programs mentioned, affirmative action, blood loss during the civil war, and the astronomical levels of crime committed by blacks.

Yes, crime included:

Apparently white US citizens don’t owe anything to their black counterparts anymore:

[Article quote] Black Lives Matter Chicago said early Monday’s looting of stores was a form of ‘reparations’ as the group held a protest Monday night in support of the more than 100 people arrested after an evening of violence. At least 13 police officers were injured as the violence claimed an estimated $65 million in property damage. Ariel Atkins, a BLM organizer, called the looting ‘reparations’.

If looting is reparations, then wouldn’t 155 years of black crime more than suffice to pay off any debt incurred by slavery? The lowest estimate of the annual cost of crime in the United States is $690 billion, and blacks account for 37.6 percent of all robberies and burglaries, so if BLM is to be taken seriously, then reparations to US blacks are being paid at an annual rate of $259.4 billion.

Obviously, crime fluctuates so the amount wouldn’t be linear throughout time and we would have to adjust for the disproportionate amount of crimes blacks commit above whites per population size.

But in doing so I’m fully confident we could hit that $14 trillion in reparations demanded many, many decades ago.

Related Articles:

Black on White Crime Statistics

The Racial Double Standard

Demands Of BLM On Defunding The Police


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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