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Biden Out; Kamala In

As expected, Biden is now out of the running for President in 2024. But is Kamala really going to take his spot?

Biden is Out, Kamala Is In header

Looks like the DNC managed to push out Biden after all:

Biden Out; Kamala In meme 1

I’m not exactly surprised about this ol’ switcheroo, but I would have thought there would be more infighting before they settled on Kamala.

Kamala is probably the worst option of the bunch for the democrats, so this was a perplexing choice. A Michelle Obama/Shapiro/Newsom (pick 2 in any order) strategy would have been a far stronger ticket. No one likes Kamala, not even democrats.

This strategy makes me think they actually want Trump to win. That, or the democrats are just incredibly dysfunctional. Which is unusual for them, as they are usually adept at system/institutional infiltration and subversion.

Something odd is going on in some dark rooms somewhere. Who knows what is truly going on in those dark recesses of D.C.?

Either way, one thing that is out-in-the-open is that the main centralizers are all Team Kamala, so she’ll almost definitely clinch the final nomination:

Biden Out; Kamala In meme 2 - Alex Soros supporting Kamala

I still happen to wonder what the inside-scoop truly is. You know there is something going on here, even if we’re all just guessing at it as of now. Kamala was clearly not the logical choice. So something is happening behind the scenes.

Makes you wonder what they have in store for us come this November.

Read Next: The 2024 Republican National Convention


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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