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benefits of hunting

What Are The Benefits of Hunting? A Hunter’s Guide

From conservation to personal health, the benefits of hunting are numerous. It's definitely a sport that most men should be familiar with.

There was a pretty great article on Extension Daily about hunting being more than just sport.

In the article, there are a few key takeaways:

According to Dr. Mark Smith, hunting licenses and the Pittman Robertson Federal Aid and Restoration Act are the two primary sources for conservation funding within Alabama. “The more licenses we sell and the more firearms we sell, the more money they have to do research, management, disease monitoring, not only for game species, but for all of Alabama’s wildlife species.” explains Dr. Smith.

benefits of huntingWhich is pretty straightforward. In Alabama, hunting is one of the main sources for funding conservation efforts.

I would wage that the same is true in other heavy-hunter states. Whether the hunters know it or not, they are helping conserve the environment.

Hunting also combats the deer population explosion. Without hunting, it’s likely that deer would override and degrade the ecosystem in the habitats they live in.

On top of the environmental impact, there are also a few other benefits of hunting:
  1. Survival skills and tactics. Learning how to find your own food/meat.
  2. Contributing to the same group that founded the National Park System.
  3. Physical Fitness.
  4. Minimizing the impact of deer collisions.
  5. Upholding a core American tradition.

I’m biased because I’m a hunter, but there are a lot of benefits to the practice. I think every man should know how to get their own game. We should all know where our meat comes from and the process our ancestors took to survive.

It’s a unique sport, and one that can give a lot of benefits for those that start. Plus, we can’t forget it’s great for practicing your gun rights and getting in some target training. Along with the live fires when you’re actually out in the field.

If you’re new to the sport and wondering how you get started, there are two great resources you should check out:

  1. The Truth About Guns has an amazing article covering the basics. It’s available here: Getting Started Hunting.
  2. If pdf’s and legalese is more your style, you definitely need to head over to the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

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