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Ben Shapiro neocon gatekeeper

Ben Shapiro: The Neocon Gatekeeper

Discussing Ben Shapiro and his organization The Daily Wire. It is interesting how certain "conservatives" receive the neocon advantage.

ben shapiro neocon gatekeeper

Into The Mind Of Ben Shapiro

We knew from past unmasking that the Daily Wire (The organization owned by Ben Shapiro) was using Facebook in rather unscrupulous ways.

The organization clearly exploited a neocon advantage using their part of the Fourth Estate:

The Daily Wire’s apparent business relationship with Mad World News isn’t the first time the site has been caught flouting Facebook’s rules. Last October, Popular Information revealed a clandestine network of 14 large Facebook pages that purported to be independent but exclusively promote content from The Daily Wire in a coordinated fashion.

The network clearly violated Facebook’s prohibition on “inauthentic behavior,” which includes concealing “a Page’s purpose by misleading users about the ownership or control of that Page.” But Facebook refused to take action. “Our investigation found that these are real pages run by real people in the U.S. and do not violate our policies,” the company said.

Months later, after Facebook implemented a new policy around page ownership, The Daily Wire was forced to acknowledge it owned and controlled 13 of the 14 pages in the network. Facebook has still taken no action. 

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has a relationship with Shapiro, who Zuckerberg has hosted at his home. According to a source who has spoken with Shapiro, Zuckerberg and Shapiro remain in direct communication. 

Which resulted in a hilarious distribution of engagement among varying media outlets:

facebook engagement 2020 news media
I would prefer if all were at “0”

But we actually have even more proof of Ben Shapiro’s neocon advantage.

Just take a look at how blatant it is:

Facebook Gives Ben Shapiro ‘Shadow-Boost’ To Make More Users See His Content – Report

Controlled opposition?

A report seems to confirm that Ben Shapiro was “shadow-boosted” by Facebook’s algorithm, meaning his content enters the feeds of people otherwise unlikely to interact with the personality.

The report from Buzzfeed, which mostly erroneously focuses on claims that Facebook is somehow a safe-haven for supporters of Alex Jones and Infowars, revealed that Ben Shapiro had been pushed into the feeds of Facebook users who had not interacted with his content.

The report details changes made to a Facebook feature called In Feed Recommendations, which would insert posts into the Facebook feeds of people that they didn’t follow, but were similar to content they liked already. Buzzfeed gives the example of someone who followed the page for a specific football team, who may then see content from the NFL put into their feed.

However, the IFR was not meant to recommend political content, yet users began complaining that they were seeing posts from Ben Shapiro in their news feeds, “even though they had never engaged with that type of content”


It is unclear who else may have been subject to the “shadow-boosting” by Facebook, as opposed to being shadow-banned, which many conservatives were subject to on Facebook and other Big Tech platforms, such as Twitter. Shapiro, the editor-in-chief of the Daily Wire, is a long-time critic of President Donald Trump and America First conservatives, and as such, Facebook’s actions may raise eyebrows on the right.

All the real conservatives (that actually want to conserve our people) have been banned from Facebook.

Meanwhile, Ben Shapiro and his types are not only found on every social media with no risk of banning, but are popular and promoted. He even hangs out with Zuckerberg. That should raise eyebrows from anyone with a brain.

There is a reason he is allowed to remain, whereas even softies like Alex Jones are annihilated.

When one thinks of a “gatekeeper”, it’s hard to not immediately imagine Shapiro. He is boosted so other content is not found. The Daily Wire is designed to have a wide net, to catch people before they find the full truth.

When he even has criticism permitted on Conservapedia, that’s when you know the situation is pretty rough:

Ben Shapiro has faced criticism from many on the Right, who regard him as a member of the Conservative Establishment, also known as Conservative Inc., namely, conservative YouTuber and author Mark Dice, who published a video in May 2021 stating that Shapiro is undeserving of support from conservatives, titled “Ben Shapiro Caught on Hot Mic – Reveals Who He Really Is When He Thinks No One is Listening”.[14]

He opens the video stating that “Most mainstream conservatives have gone soft”, and shows Shapiro’s off-camera hesitancy to criticize the Homosexual Agenda, displayed during a livestream with his subscribers, when he thought the broadcast was over. In the video, Shapiro displays concern over being “boycotted” and losing sponsors, asking a producer to cut out a clip where he calls pansexuality “weird”. Dice then states that Shapiro is “in the club”, pointing to the fact that he has never had to worry about being censored, banned, or de-platformed from social media, the way many others have.

Dice goes on to poke fun at Shapiro’s college-age fanbase and ridicule his cowardice during a debate with BBC’s Andrew Neil, saying “Conservative Inc’s greatest debater runs away from his first real debate”. After, Dice points out that despite Shapiro’s claims of being a libertarian who supports limited government, he tweeted that he thinks the federal government should coerce people into getting the COVID-19 vaccine, ignoring individual liberty. Dice makes a point of Shapiro’s fervent opposition to President Trump in 2016, only tepidly supporting him during the 2020 election.

Dice says that Shapiro’s supposed Trump support was extremely doubtable, considering how hard he was actively working against him initially, and calls his political analysis “permanently flawed”. He then went on to detail Shapiro’s smearing of other conservatives along with Trump, calling Ron Paul “anti-semitic” and “manifestly insane” during the Republican Primaries in 2012. Shapiro would later double down on these claims, calling Trump, Paul, and others, including Ann Coulter, Pat Buchanan, and Alex Jones, “Alt-Right-friendly”.

Dice accuses Shapiro of being bankrolled by billionaires, and calls attention to his secret dinner meetings with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, as well as his defense from YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki. Finally, Dice ends with Shapiro’s support for homosexual “marriage” and adoption.

You can find that video here on Rumble:

It’s sad, but most grey mass types think of Shapiro as some type of hero. Go look at the comments under any of his posts and you’ll see thousands calling for him to president—God forbid.

But, it is where we are as a country. We hail the guy that pushes the myocarditis jab, supports replacement immigration, is more proud of being an Israeli than an American, proudly declares that the 2020 election was completely “fair”, hates Christ, tolerates LGBT, and pushes the “judeo-Christian” subversive lie as a true red-and-blue-bleeding “conservative”.

With these people as our supposed “allies”, who even needs enemies?

Read Next: Maladaptation To The Modern World


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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