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The Biden v Kavanaugh debacle clearly shows the hypocrisy of the far-left. Believe All Women... but only if the accused is conservative.
It seems like just recently I wrote an article titled “Dear The “Trust All Women” Crowd: Amber Heard Would Like A Word With You“. Oh wait, it was recent. It was just a month ago.
Funny how that works.
Remember about a year ago when Brett Kavanaugh was getting absolutely reamed by the media? When every liberal was shouting “Believe All Women”?
Those activists have dried up real quick now that a democrat (Biden) is getting hit with the accusations. We have a standard here. It’s called Believe All Women, but only if the accused is conservative.
The Washington Examiner notes very well:
‘Believe all women’ standard goes out the window with Joe Biden accuser
When Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, just before an expected confirmation vote, was accused of committing sexual assault, Joe Biden was advocating for a standard in which any woman willing to come forward should be presumed to be telling the truth.
“For a woman to come forward in the glaring lights of focus, nationally, you’ve got to start off with the presumption that at least the essence of what she’s talking about is real, whether or not she forgets facts, whether or not it’s been made worse or better over time,” Biden said.
Now, Biden’s statement is being put to the test, given that a former female aide has come forward to claim that Biden sexually assaulted her in the early 1990s.
But wait! There’s more. Not just a single female aide. Oh no, there are a bunch now:
Ahead of former vice-president Joe Biden’s expected 2020 presidential bid, women are speaking out about their personal interactions with him — alleging he physically touched them in ways that made them feel uncomfortable. Last week, the Cut published an essay by Lucy Flores, a former Nevada lieutenant governor nominee, who wrote that Biden smelled her hair and kissed the back of her head at a campaign event in 2014. In the week since, several more women have come forward.
Below, here’s a running list of the [individual] allegations against Biden.
Lucy Flores
Amy Lappos
D.J. Hill
Caitlyn Caruso
Ally Coll
Sofie Karasek
Vail Kohnert-Yount
Alexandra Tara Reade
You reap what you sow. The irony of it all.
Believe All Women™ was stupid from the beginning. Women are humans: humans lie. It’s why we have a justice system. To uncover truth versus lie. Starting with the presumption of guilty makes no sense.
Plus, there are obvious stories like the one where a girl willingly gets eiffel’d and then feels bad for cheating later so lies and said it was rape. Even got her boyfriend to beat up the guys she willingly slept with. Then destroyed the phone (she thought) filmed it to cover her tracks. Except, it was video-taped on a different phone:
Two men were cleared of raping a 27-year-old Sacramento woman after the kinky cellphone footage they filmed of their steamy tryst proved the sex was consensual – and now she faces faces four-years in jail.
Once back at the second man’s apartment, Kurre began kissing the first man and the pair ended up having sex in the bathroom – where the sex video was filmed.
Flushed by their first encounter, the first man and Kurre traveled upstairs to the bedroom to film more of their antics and it was later on in the evening of February 2011 that she turned her attentions to the second man who owned the apartment.
After that, she went back to the first man and they ended up sleeping together, to wake up with no apparent animosity between the three.
However, a day later, the apartment owner and second man said that Kurre called him to collect her drivers license, which she had forgotten and a hair extension which had fallen out.
She informed him that she would be there at 6 p.m. and when the second man walked outside to meet Kurre, she was stood there with her arms folded.
The second man then said that suddenly someone grabbed him from behind and another man punched him.
‘Then the guy that was holding me hits me and then they continued to hit me and hit me,’ reported the Sacremento Bee.
The brutal beating apparently lasted almost ten minutes, during which he took around 60 punches – leaving him with fractured ribs and bruising behind his ear.
According to the second man, one of his attackers screamed out, ‘You think you can rape my girl?’ To which the anonymous apartment owner replied ‘I didn’t rape your girl.’
She told police that the first man broke in and raped her and then so did the man who owned the apartment.
Unfortunately for Kurre, it was the first man who filmed their sexual encounters and not the man who she had beaten up and stole a cellphone from.
‘This is great stuff,’ Citrus Heights Police Detective Ron Pfleger told the man who shot the video, according to a transcript of his interview five days after the February 17th, 2011, beating of his friend. ‘This is exactly what you guys are hoping for.’
“Great stuff” indeed.
Don’t believe all women. Instead, let the justice system work by holding the innocent until proven requirement.
Still, I can’t help but laugh at the left (and especially Biden) for getting themselves into this catch 22.
Long term thinking has never been a strategy of the far-left.
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