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the oppositional metric

Avoid The Oppositional Metric

Encouraging our people to break free from the mental trap of the oppositional metric to slow the growth of gatekeepers.

the oppositional metric

Walking Away From The Oppositional Metric

Vox Day recently posted an excellent article on the oppositional metric that more of our people should heed (emphasis my own):

On last night’s Darkstream, I explained how a lack of discernment is the reason conservatives keeps falling for gatekeepers and accepting former enemies as their thought, opinion, and political leaders, which contributes greatly to conservatism seldom being able to accomplish more than lose gracefully over time.


The “heel turn” is a much-used tool in the Clown World playbook. The Prometheans prefer to have their clowns in control of both sides, which is why I have referred to “the bi-factional ruling party” in place of Democrats and Republicans for more than two decades. Ronald Reagan was probably the most successful heel turn in political history, smoothly transforming himself from a Democratic Party activist to the most-beloved Republican President over a period of less than 20 years, from May 1962 to March 1981. And oh, how the Democrats hated and opposed him!

The only metric for reliably judging an individual is by the sum total of his actual words and deeds, never by his purported opposition or by who “hates and opposes him”. Attempting to objectively determine substance on the basis of an oppositional metric is literally retarded.

Consider: most people genuinely believed Jordan Peterson was opposed by globohomo, indeed, its leading opponent, on the basis of one single softball interview when he’d been working directly for them for decades, even though everything in his books pointed directly to him being an enthusiastic globalist and ticket-taker.

Not only is the oppositional metric reliably false, but it is based on a false foundation. The enemy of your enemy may be your friend, but he should never, ever, be accepted as your leader. And the convert who is ever so eager to help you, nay, to lead and advise you, is almost certainly an infiltrator whose objective is to destroy your organization.

Particularly important are these two sentences:

  • The enemy of your enemy may be your friend, but he should never, ever, be accepted as your leader.
  • The only metric for reliably judging an individual is by the sum total of his actual words and deeds, never by his purported opposition or by who “hates and opposes him”.

Absolutely accurate. This is exactly where nationalists (and Christians) often get it wrong.

A newly saved person professing faith in Christ is great. But as James said, “faith without works is dead”. True faith is always accompanied by action, so others may recognize them. Charles Spurgeon once said: “The grace that does not change my life will not save my soul.” This is how righteousness is known to others and proven—through the fruits of the individual.

Even the original apostles were skeptical of Paul of Tarsus until his works spoke for him. Review Paul’s timeline—He was converted, suffered and preached for God for three years, and only then went to Jerusalem. Even then, the apostles were originally afraid of him until he demonstrated his faith in Jerusalem, and Barnabas (a dedicated one of their own) vouched for him (Acts 9:26-30).

If this tactic works for the universal Christian church, it also works for the national soul.

Detractors from clown world should be accepted with open arms as friends, but they should never be immediately thrust into the spotlight. Think of how long it took you to develop the beliefs you now hold—It is likely years, if we are all being honest with one another. A new convert to our side of the aisle will be far more susceptible to influence and misdirection than those of us who have been around the block for years. They are still baby dissidents, and will take time to develop, even if they are true converts. Just like Paul’s three years.

This is the fruits metric. But we are not known for using it. Instead, we use the oppositional metric.

The oppositional metric constantly leads us to leaders like Jordan Peterson, Tulsi Gabbard, Ben Shapiro, Elon Musk, and the rest of the gatekeeper crew.

At some point, we have to abandon it.

The sum total of actual words and deeds is a good alternative. So those “leaders” who have attacked us for so long—Like Apostle Paul—may take a bit longer before they are vetted for truly influential positions. That is fine. It is how it should be.

We must recognize that our enemy realizes our side operates using the oppositional metric. So, they send in distortioners to work the field.

Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro were great examples (they have done zero good for any of us), but so are people like Tulsi Gabbard. That lady literally worked for the democrats and the war-machine for the past twenty years. She is not on our side until the sum total of her actions grant her that luxury.

Elon Musk is another. He has been gaming taxpayers, creating horrifically corrupt and wicked companies (PayPal), wearing Satan costumes, and partying with every possible elite for decades. But now he bought Twitter and is saying a few nice things while getting ever so-slightly struck by the system’s henchmen, so everyone loves the guy (because of the fallacy of using an oppositional metric).

Yet, none of them have done more good for us than harm. So advancing any of them as a leader or an influential voice is asinine.

They can be cautious allies, sure. I have no qualms with that, especially if they convert to Christianity (which none of them have, by the way). But leaders? Hell no. Our public voice? Absolutely not. A thought revolutionary that we should follow on ideological lines? Not a chance.

Not until that sum total is achieved.

I believe at this point, if the Anti-Christ does arise, the system will attack him at first just to get gullible Christians and conservatives to fall right into their hands.

We have to break out of the oppositional matrix-mindset we are stuck in.

The system knows this is how we think, so we must evolve to outflank them. If the enemy wants to infiltrate, let us at least make them harm themselves. Which is something you and I both know they would hesitate to do.

You want to know why we don’t have high-profile, true thought leaders on the Right? It is because all the attention and money keep flowing to these distortioner gatekeepers. If we stopped using the oppositional metric, we could finally have our own guys organically grow to the top, demonstrated by their time, words, and actions over the years. This is the only way we will ever get them.

Free yourself. Stop letting the enemy win with these easy textbook infiltration moves.

Read Next: How To Fix The Banking System: 15 Steps


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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