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An article series on ways for the average dissident to get involved. Discussing different strategies (and risk tolerances) to help our cause.
If you’ve read comments on any dissident website for more than a couple of weeks, you have almost certainly ran into some variation of the following:
Most dissidents feel hopeless or lost. They don’t know what to do. And few people are helping them figure it out.
I hope to rectify this issue.
I have said it a million times before, and I will surely say it again:
The collapse is coming. But we (hopefully) still have time to maneuver into favorable positions and to prepare accordingly. The future is ours, but only if we prepare for it now.
Because of this, I’ve been stockpiling articles on different ways dissidents could get involved lately. It’s about time we formally make these into a series to keep track of and recommend externally.
In the Introduction article, I spoke about the need for such a series:
There is a tangible and important difference between dissident strategies and personal preparation. I talk about both on this website, but many people mistake the two.
There is a difference between being prepared with some food storage and gold coins versus being in a position to really make an impact on a new, emerging system. Someone that is hiding in the woods with a few resources will have no influence on what comes next. Someone who is active in their community, has built a network of hardened news sources that can survive a decline, and can rally a group of people in troublesome times will have a massive influence on what comes next. The two groups are very different.
The goal is for that to be us, not groups just as bad as the current system. But the problem is most of our guys are just sitting around hoarding MREs, silver, and the like, which will not help us as a whole. Still useful on a personal level for some preparedness, but we need to do more if we want to actually win.
There are things you should do to prepare personally. But there are also things you could do to prepare collectively. The ‘Ways To Contribute Series’ addresses the latter.
This series should help you find a strategy that matches your risk tolerance and interests. There is something for every dissident to be doing right now. The question is not if there is something, but what strategy is best suited for your skills and interests.
I split this series up into two groups: a primary and a secondary list based on importance. As always, I will keep this series page updated as we add more.
First, here are our current primary installments (Start with the Introduction Article if you are new to these articles):
Second, here are our peripheral articles that share a similar find-a-strategy approach, but are not officially part of the Ways To Contribute Series:
Last update: Oct 30, 2024
There is something in these for everybody, no matter your risk tolerance (I.e. whether or not you want to stay anonymous).
Read the titles. See which one speaks to you. Then go read that article and consider starting down that journey.
There is so much that needs to be done, but so few are willing to put in the work to do it. But some of these are very easy to do and present zero risk (archiver, for instance). So no more excuses. We all got options now. There is something for everyone here, and I’m only going to add more options as time goes forward.
Now, when you see people ask “What should I do?”, “How can I get involved?”, or “What can I do?”—Send them this article series. Let’s get all dissidents thinking about viable options suitable for them.
Hope these help. Feel free to add your own variants in the comments.
Read Next: The Great American Remnant
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Thanks for the resources as I admit I am clueless on how to effectively handle what is on the way..
When I imagine a collapse I think about neighbors fighting, robbing and killing each other over resources. Mass hysteria! Am I being overdramatic?
How do you think society will react to such a major collapse of Western society as we know it? And what if you cannot legally own a firearm to protect you and yours? America is saturated with guns!
Anything you want to add to my questions would be greatly appreciated. I know you are not a fortune teller. Just trying to figure this ish out..?
I agree with pretty much everything you mentioned. Those without community—individuals atomized—will spend their time robbing and killing one another no matter the level of disaster. Spend some time looking up what happened post-Hurricane Katrina. Then realize that that wasn’t even a fraction of a normal disaster. This article is also a good refresher, to conceptualize a veritable disaster and how quickly it all unfolds: Surviving A Real SHTF Scenario: Selco’s Lessons For Americans.
A gun is worth less than a friend who has a connection to an arsenal. This principle applies to nearly everything that preppers try to prepare individually on their own. Tribe up.
Those with solid networks with be able to hedge themselves more appropriately no matter how it plays out. As will those that spend some serious time getting ready now, even if they lack more extensive networks.
Those the worse off will be those who fail to do either.