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Appeal To Authority

Appeal To Authority: The Real Covid Plague

An article on our people's obsession with the appeal to authority. Why are we so focused on trusting the "experts"?
Appeal To Authority

Our People’s Obsession With The Appeal To Authority

Tradition is learned knowledge from our ancestors. It was solutions to problems, wherein most of those problems are endemic to the human condition.

Many of these problems are a normal part of the natural order of humanity, so they never change. Tradition provided unique national answers to those problems. Progressivism has thrown off our solutions to those problems, leaving us in a void.

One of those problems that tradition solved was how to address individual failures within the society, such as a murderer or a SJW. But another problem was dealing with people who were wrong and what issues they would face from being wrong.

Everyone gets things wrong sometimes. But some of those people, when they get something wrong, cause more damage than others. Some get things wrong out of neglect, whereas others do so maliciously. Tradition tells us they must be dealt with separately based on the damage caused.

If the FDA gets something wrong about medicine, it is far more damaging than if a local drunk gets something wrong about medicine.

In tradition, we had exact answers to these questions. When authorities failed, they were absolutely destroyed. The empires of old did not tolerate failure from their “experts”. That was the only way to be sure that their experts were actually experts, because they put everything on the line with each recommendation.

But this became tradition because it was an answer to a problem. The problem was how to deal with experts that end up being wrong and cause significant damage with that error. What the traditional approach did was invoke a sense of security in their experts, because they were held tightly accountable. This created an environment that was only friendly to the true experts, not the hivemind “experts” we witness today.

This problem has returned because progressivism has thrown off the “hold experts accountable” aspect of traditional Western civilization. But we’ve held on to the “trust them” attribute, which was justifiable in more historical periods because of the strong pressure for them to actually be right. Truth is now malleable, and accountability is nowhere to be found.

It is something that even our ancestors recognized as a major problem, which is why they addressed it so harshly.

Even the most intelligent individuals got things wrong. There is a constant in humanity that we will fail, we will not have all the answers, and we will make mistakes. Murderers will always exist in a society, as will failed authorities. But the question is what to do with them and how to deal with the failure.

This is why the new progressivist religion of worshipping the experts and authorities is so pervasive and idiotic. It denies the natural condition of our species and all the traditional lessons surrounding authorities. But it holds on to the trust in them, albeit unjustifiably, because it is no longer properly vetted.

The appeal to authority is a plague because it assumes the anti-traditional position that an authority cannot, or more often than not, will not be wrong, when that is most definitely not the case in modernity. There is no pressure for them to be right, so to assume that is the default position is an error. It may have made sense when we were more traditional, but not now.

Even back then, they could still be wrong and often were. Thus, to ascribe to them any form of privilege based on their position now is even more foolish than before.

Authorities cannot be trusted solely on their testimony, they can only be trusted based on their fruits and their evidence. Our ancestors 2000 years ago figured this out, yet somehow we still find ways to ignore this traditional teaching.

The scientists of old have decades of experience and education but still believed the sun orbited the earth. The doctors of old had decades of experience and education but still performed bloodletting and worshipped enemas. When another thousand years past, they will look back at our time period and say similar things about our doctors and other experts.

I know for certain they will say it about cancer treatment, because we are literally poisoning cancer patients to stall the condition. Maybe it is the best we can do right now, but those practices were the best they could do back then.

No one knows everything in a field for certain. We can only judge things based on the evidence provided. If trust is needed for certain things, then that trust must be held accountable, or else it is self-sabotaging.

It’s important that the appeal to authority is put in the correct context within the human condition of us humans desiring to trust “experts”. But tradition teaches us something very different. We can trust them, but only when there is a system holding them accountable to earn that trust. With that system comes the need for evidence and historical analysis of their prior recommendations.

Right now, the situation is exactly opposite. They have no accountability and still demand trust. Which means you should do the exact opposite, by holding them accountable where and when you can, while also holding a default position of them being wrong.

The appeal to authority is incredibly engrained in our society today. From trusting the doctors on covid, to trusting the corporations to do the best thing for the nation, to trusting the government to take care of us—It’s all wrong, because none of them are accountable. And their authority means nothing given modernity.

Nowhere is this more obvious than the covid pandemic. The unaccountable experts have been wrong about everything, every step of the way. In a traditional society, they’d probably have been set on fire or some similar fate. Instead, here they remain, continuing to lie and get everything wrong. Yet here the grey masses remain, continuing to trust them despite their constant failures.

You are not to have faith or worship an expert. But that is what the hivemind doctors, medical experts, and government officials expect of you. Their god complex makes them feel like they can do no wrong, and even when they are wrong, they ignore it.

A position or job title does not instill accuracy or knowledge in modernity. But our people continue to worship it like it does. This is a much more prevalent plague than covid could ever dream to be.

It is all an appeal to authority, because they have nothing else to appeal to. They have no system of accountability, no actual evidence, no historical history of being right, and not even a justification for their status as an expert. They have nothing, but they expect absolute faith.

This is why you should grant them the exact opposite. If someone starts or speaks using an appeal to authority, your initial judgement should be to assume they are flat out wrong. You should initially assume that they have no basis or evidence for anything they are saying, because they immediately start the discussion based on a need for your faith in their credentials.

If someone begins a sentence or discussion with:

  • Because I have a PhD…
  • Since I have a medical degree…
  • I am a researcher/scientist/etc…
  • As someone who works in…

You should cut them off with a simple response of: “I don’t care”.

Until a time returns when we can set them on fire once again, this is the best we can do.

Read next:

The Track Record Of CNN

Media: The Effectiveness Of The Subtle Lie

9/11: The New Pearl Harbor


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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