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Antifa are mostly emotion-driven creatures, similar in nature to children. When dealing with them, we must take this into consideration.
The current state of Antifa is pretty hilarious:
Be Antifa.
Be against local and community police.
Support federal police arresting Jan 6 protestors.
Be anti-state or corporate control.
Support vaccine mandates by state and corporations.
Be “anti-fascist” (Where fascism is state control through the use of corporations).
Support Big Pharma uniting with the state to finance and mandate their product.
The irony does not go unnoticed. But like most things in our current world, everything is inverted.
Up is down. Left is right. Antifa is fascist.
What is arguably the most interesting characteristic of Antifa is their soft alliance with socialism, which is complete state ownership of the market. They want the state to provide everything for them, but they also want to be anti-state. Antifa is anti-control but simultaneously demand total control.
What it boils down to is their acceptance of complete state control, but with the asterisk mentioning that they don’t want that state to be a fascist state. They want it to be the perfect utopian state that they imagine, providing things freely to them while destroying every right-winger in a fascist-like manner. This is modernity’s version of anti-fascism.
This is noticed in their actions. They have no problem assaulting or doxxing people on the Right, and welcome it when the feds do it, but would be aghast if any community police department did it against them. We saw this exact scenario unfold in Portland. In Portland, the Antifa assaulted the Proud Boys repeatedly and applauded when the feds arrested any right-wing demonstrators. Then they turned around and tried to burn down the local police department for posting mugshots of their own rioters.
Another example of this is with the constant Antifa doxxing. They are notorious for doing doxxing brigades, where they will find out where a person who holds non-conforming opinions lives and works. Once they have that information, they will contact their employers and try to get them fired or will contact the state and try to get them in other trouble. Both methods, ironically, use the state, institutions, or corporations to their benefit. So, Antifa is not afraid to use these tools that they claim to disdain, and they often do so with great cheer when the state or corporate crushes the non-believer.
Antifa are strongly emotional creatures, as are most on the left. This hypocrisy will not break their will because they do not see this issue as a rational or logical one. Instead, they see it as a moral one. Anti-fascist, even in its name, is a moral argument. It’s an appeal to their perceived, and subjective, morality. It is against the “evils of fascism”, regardless of how they define that term. Because of this, it is somewhat like a religion, in the case that it cannot be rationally debated.
You’ll get nowhere trying to talk down an Antifa with rational, open, and honest debate. The only thing that can work is emotional appeals, similar to dealing with young children. Still, I would caution against this. The best defense for zealots that have gone this extreme is avoidance. Antifa are one of the highest category of useful idiots for the state, and they will not hesitate to use the state or corporations against you if they find out that you do not agree with them.
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