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Answering Reader’s Personal Questions About Kaisar

A Q&A session answering all the personal questions about me that came into the mailbox.

Answering reader's personal questions about Kaisar header

Some readers had personal questions that they wanted to know about me during the open mailbox season. I didn’t want to make those into articles on their own, so I just compiled them here.

If more personal questions come in, I’ll just update this article.

Here are the Q&As:

Why did you pick the name Kaisar?

Why the website name ‘Hidden Dominion’?

Personal thoughts on regions of U.S.?

  • I was quite surprised, but one of the most prolific questions I have come in through the mailbox often revolves around my thoughts on various regions of the U.S. Things like which regions I thought were the safest, which ones I just liked, or various other similar questions. 
  • So, to answer this common question, let’s seperate the U.S. using the traditional US breakdown (South, Midwest, Northwest, etc.).
  • I think the regions I like the most and the regions that are the safest are the same: The south and or the mountain region. I have lived in both and I enjoy both. 
  • The south is strong. They have good people. They have a resilient population.
  • Likewise, the northwest has strong people. They have survivalist people.
  • Both regions are better weathered to survive whatever is coming than the rest. Frankly, they are also just nicer places to be.
  • Even given this, there are some places I would not be caught dead in within those regions (like Denver, CO). “Best” is really state, and sometimes even community, dependent.
  • Still, the ‘best’ region for you is probably the region that has the most network connections and resources right now. If that is the Midwest, so be it.
  • As a sidenote: I like Alaska a lot too. But if things get bad, that state could be a rough one to be in. They rely too extensively on outside support. Would be sheer chaos over there, especially given the proximity to Russia.

Personal thoughts on Alaska for surviving fall of America. Will it go to Russia? Safe or no?

  • The population of Alaska is too large and too dependent right now. If any sort of crash happened, they would be screwed. Most in Anchorage would need to bail out or die out. However, for the groups that made it through such an event, Alaska could be awesome. I doubt it will ever return to Russian control. It would be like an independent Iceland, but better. It is a tossup, really. 

Who are you voting for this election?

  • Everyone’s favorite question. I do not talk about it a lot, because I am not interested in swaying anyone’s mind on this matter. But as for me, I will not be voting in the federal election. I have tried really hard to stomach Trump, but he is just such a loser lately. I just can’t seem to be able to do that to myself. First, he gave up on immigration (“every migrant should come in if they have muh education”). Then he became a zionist wanting war with Iran. Worse, he promoted and still promotes the vax. Quite literally, the very last reason I was going to vote for him was because of the abortion topic. But now he even flip-flopped on that. I just can’t do it.
  • However, that does not mean I will not be voting. In particular, there are two great guys running in my state arena. I am actually enthusiastic about voting for them. Also, there are the ballot initiatives. I am very invested in those. So I intend to have a mostly filled ballot. But I’ll probably write in none of the above for the fed option.

Thoughts on who you want to win in the election?

  • This is a tough one. Even though I admitted I am not going to vote, I have difficulty reconciling who I want to win. As I said before, I believe that Trump/Vance is the ticket for World War 3 and economic decline through Israel. Harris/Walz is the ticket for World War 3 and economic decline through Russia/China.
  • Given that, I am not sure which is the preferred approach. Trump might give us more time to prepare, but there is no guarantee on that. Instead, under Biden, most on the Right (even the grey masses) realize we are entering survival mode. This is good for dissidents. Trump would be an release value that would probably make them all go to sleep again for a while. In some ways I’d rather have our guys continue to grow and fight rather than sleep, but I also can barely afford groceries and Kamala will make that even worse.
  • Thus, I simply do not know the answer to this question. I have given up on trying to answer this one, and instead my hope is that God’s will is done here, because I sure can’t seem to see a good or even just “marginally better” option.

If you actually work full time and have a family, how do you have time to write so much?

  • The long-time readers know the answer to this. I write-prep. It’s like meal-prepping but for articles. I’ll go really intensely for one week to then take two weeks off when needed.
  • Also, I simply skip weeks every once in a while when I am too busy. Or I do Lenten Hiatuses. That helps.

Are you secretly a Fed?

  • Not that I am aware of, however I heard the new MKUltra program by the CIA is incredibly efficient, so it’s impossible to know for sure.

Would you call yourself a Christian Nationalist?

  • Sure. I am Christian and a nationalist, so why not?

What are your jobs/living locations/etc?

  • I am anonymous on here for a reason. So no, I will not be sharing my job/location for obvious reasons. I will never understand why people ask these questions.
  • Look around to what happens when dissidents get doxxed. It’s not exactly pleasant. And I am neither old enough, nor rich enough, to not care.

How do I join a dissident group like you? / How do I get in touch with the “insider” clubs with other writers/activists?

  • Contribute something to the greater whole. Make your own website, write your own book, start your own podcast. Whatever.
  • Don’t just come to me and expect to get connections. We are almost all anonymous for a reason. Others get brought in when they have already put in the work and elbow grease, usually for years first. That’s just the way these things work.

I think you have a wrong opinion on X / I disagree with this article / I think you need to study X better

  • I am human and prone to error. You just may be right in your analysis of whatever opinion of mine you disagree with.
  • That is a benefit of having a community that can call me out and force me to learn more or be better. I don’t mind being corrected, so if I am wrong, post it publically in the comments or send an email. Help me be better.
  • Also, I do ask for some grace when it comes to some of my takes. I write a minimum of three articles a week while also juggling a full-time job, a full-time father/husband role, and plenty of community engagements. I’m simply going to be wrong sometimes. It’s just the nature of being human and not having more focused time to dedicate to this.
  • If there is one thing you quickly learn once you become a public writer/opinion-person, it is that it is harder than it looks. I ask you to give me grace where I fail; don’t make an enemy out of a 99% friend.

Hope these were interesting. I’ll add more Q&As here as more come in.

Read Next: The History of The Hidden Dominion


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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