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miscarriage of justice: matthew hoover and erwin

Another Miscarriage Of Justice: Matthew Hoover

There are so many it is hard to keep up with them all.

miscarriage of justice: matthew hoover and erwin

Another Day, Another Failure From The Courts

Our justice system needs to be completely abolished.

Maybe we can try again at a later time, but this train wreck of a common law court system cannot be salvaged. For now, it must go.

I’ve been following the Justin Ervin and Matthew Hoover case for a while now. If you have not been introduced to it yet, Ammoland has been doing some of the best reporting on the trial.

From Ammoland:

Justin Ervin & Matthew Hoover (CRS Firearms) Found Guilty in Autokey Card Case

In the Autokey Card case, a jury found Matthew Hoover, better known as CRS Firearms on YouTube, and Justin Ervin guilty.

The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) charged the men with violating the National Firearms Act (NFA) of 1934 for selling machineguns and conspiracy. Ervin faced an additional charge of structuring. The case stems from Mr. Ervin selling a metal card with an image inspired by a lightning link etched into it. Ervin sold the cards as a novelty and contracted with Mr. Hoover to promote the card on his popular YouTube Channel.

The ATF arrested Ervin in April of 2021 and charged him with transferring unregistered machineguns. Mr. Ervin was denied bail and has been locked up since his arrest. Hoover used his platform to raise money for Ervin’s legal defense. The ATF viewed the fundraising activities as conspiracy and accused the men of running a criminal enterprise. A year after Ervin was arrested, the ATF raided Hoover’s house and took him into custody.


When pressed, the ATF admitted they could only get one of the three Autokey Cards they possessed to work. They also admitted to jamming the Autokey Card into the firearm to create hammer follow.

This action is similar to where the ATF ruled a sliver of metal to be a machinegun.


Mr. Hoover was found guilty of five of the eight charges, including four charges of transferring machineguns and one charge of conspiracy.

Hoover was remanded into custody because the federal prosecutor stated she felt personally “threatened” by Mr. Hoover. Ervin has been in federal custody for the last two years and will remain in custody.

The full article shares the absolute disaster that was the Hoover trial. Go read it all.

It’s almost comical how horrible our justice system is. Hoover is just another casualty of it.

But the list is growing rapidly. I can’t speak for everyone, but I’ve touched on a few: Jones, Douglass Mackey, and the McMichaels, being the most recent. But our miscarriage of justice trend goes back a long ways now.

To summarize this particular case, Matthew is looking at over four decades in prison because he talked about an auto key card in videos such as this one:

Matthew Hoover and Ervin seized website autokeycards by ATF
AutoKeyCards Redirects to ATF.Gov After Website Seizure

I cannot share an image of the key card personally because I do not want the feds busting down my door and arresting me for sharing machine gun schematics, or some other lunacy they invent in their head.

You really cannot drop much lower than this.

We, supposedly 2A-“free” Americans, cannot even promote things that are peripherally illegal if someone else uses the thing in an illicit manner. If you do, expect four decades in prison.

I anxiously await for when some of our guys (maybe myself?) get arrested for advertising survival knives, because some random purchaser from five years ago uses them for an illegal purpose. Straight to jail for conspiracy, says the ATF/FBI.

It is horrible what the state and our court system are doing to people:

  • Charlottesville protestors who just wanted to keep a statue.
  • Covid freedom-fighters who shared vax passports and just wanted bodily autonomy.
  • January 6th political prisoners who just walked around peacefully in the capital in protest against massive election fraud.
  • Now, for those following the gun industry, mass arrests regarding 2A advocates (Hoover and Ervin are two of many that are being targeted).

The centralizers are making it clear that you cannot do anything that even potentially annoys them or your life will be gulag’d.

So much for the “land of the free” bit. We can’t even walk in our own capital or buy a piece of sheet metal.

It is sad, but this is how the system is set up.

The old people who think it was different in their day just did not see it coming or did not see it happening. It is much more obvious now, but the system has not changed.

A proper system would have a branch that writes the laws (legislature), a branch that provides concurrence to the law-changes (net contributors/citizens/aristocratic class/whatever), a branch that ensures that the laws are constitutional (judicial), and a branch the enforces the laws (executive).

Instead, we have a legislature that does not really do anything useful, a judicial branch that interprets old laws in any way they want to while outright ignoring the constitution due to precedent (common law), and an executive branch that delegates power to independent agencies who can simply invents laws they can then enforce themselves (ATF—Did you notice in the article above that the “ATF ruled a sliver of metal to be a machinegun“, not a legislature?).

Our system has been completely backwards since at least the civil war, so the original American system only lasted a solid seventy-ish years. Not exactly stellar.

It blows my mind that people still want to try to reform or preserve this objectively failed system, even with this knowledge. How far must we drop until they finally wake up?

At this point, I would not be surprised if we’re all thrown into a work camp run by AI terminator-bots and some old boomer is still trying to convince me we just need to restore the republic and follow the constitution. I will respond as I always do: “My brother in Christ, the republic and constitution are what got us here.

When will they let it go and recognize that it failed? The more people that continue to believe in the lie, the more innocent, good, and honest Americans like Matthew have to erroneously be put in jail. Because these innocents get hoodwinked by the lie—They think they are free until reality (the truth of our system) shows up, and then they face four decades behind bars.

It pains me greatly to watch as so many of our innocent men are obliterated by this purely evil machine.

To believe in our system and institutions is no longer a simple point of disagreement—It is supporting the institutions that are killing and maiming our people. There is much harm in perpetuating this lie that the systems are trustworthy and will not destroy them (they just need a little reform to stop destroying us!), because it is leading our well-intentioned but naïve citizens to the chopping blocks. And has been, for decades.

I know it is hard. But you have to let it go.

Give up on our institutions and systems, as they gave up on you centuries ago. They will destroy you as fast as they destroyed Hoover. And they will never be reformed.

Read Next: Oswald Spengler: The Decline of the West and Rationalism


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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