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Soft Christianity strikes again.
It seems we have lost the Lutherans, too:
The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod just put out a new edition of Luther’s Large Catechism, one of the main books used to teach people about Christianity and what it means to be a Christian.
So, what got added?
(Not in any particular order)
First we have the LCMS, speaking for conservative Lutherans, entirely denying self defense and bearing arms being moral.
Next, we have an equivocation of homosexuality, pornography, sodomy, pedophilia, whorishness, and transgenderism with heterosexual fornication outside of sex.
That is, the LCMS can’t say “sodomy is evil” without softening it with “but so is straight sex before marriage”.
Here we have the New Catechism affirming a reality behind transgenderism, saying that it is in fact real and as described by those pushing it.
This is a complete denial of God’s creation, but that shouldn’t be surprising. Also listed in this New Catechism is…
That’s right! The “conservative”, “Confessional” Lutherans are saying that Genesis is entirely separate from any ‘scientific’ theories.
The LCMS once held up Genesis as literal, but now that’s just trying to bring “science” into Genesis, which I guess was just a metaphor?
Direct screenshots:
It just goes on and gets worse. I recommend you briefly skim the entire thread.
They now favor the world. That much is clear. But Christ said we can’t have two masters.
They are following a similar trajectory that we have all witnessed before.
This follows the great “wokening” of Catholics (including homosexual seminaries), Methodists, Episcopalians/Anglicans, certain Baptist denoms, and plenty of others.
Nowhere is safe in Babylon America:
The same can be said for the 20th century Pentecostals, nontrinitarian cults, and other assorted branches—They were lost from the beginning. Even the Mormons have leaned into the gay stuff. They’ll all fall hard eventually, given the problem with any “living church” (e.g. worldly church).
There is one particularly egregious non-denom church in my local vicinity that is pastored by a woman who is married to another woman that is trans. They are always in the news trashing on the only sane churches left in my area.
Even the local Presbyterian church near me is operated by a woman—A reformed church. It’s maddening.
We are losing many of them.
But don’t give up hope.
Find peace in your local, independent church if you can. Stay away from these corrupt denoms. Become immersed in the Bible yourself and connect with online groups faithfully studying the Word if you have no safe options local. Maybe you will uncover that God is calling you to start that faithful local option, given time and knowledge.
Get prepared.
It appears that the time is coming when no institution can be trusted.
Read Next: Agree And Amplify
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