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In anticipation for the new Census data coming out later this year, we look at current demographic trends. What is our demographic destiny?
The last decade is looking pretty rough for us white Americans:
All recent US population growth comes from people of color, new census estimates show
As we await the final 2020 census statistics for America’s race and ethnic populations (due later this summer), newly released Census Bureau estimates compiled independently of the 2020 census suggest something unprecedented: The 2010s could be the first decade when the nation’s white population registered an absolute loss.
These new estimates show annual population changes by race and ethnicity between July 2010 and July 2020. They indicate that, for each year since 2016, the nation’s white population dropped in size. Thus, all of U.S. population growth from 2016 to 2020 comes from gains in people of color.
These statistics extend and update a trend revealed in data published last year, and further emphasize why the diversity profile of the U.S. population is rising rapidly. This is especially the case for the nation’s younger population, which experienced the greatest white population losses. The statistics also imply that, as the white population ages and declines further, racial and ethnic diversity will be the hallmark demographic feature of America’s younger generations, including Gen Z and those that follow.
Just look at some of these charts:
With how whites are already being treated now in the country as a majority, this situation is going to drastically deteriorate as we become minority-majority.
I expect the full Census data to be out by the end of Summer and will show similar troubling figures. Regardless of your political bent, no nation has ever survived that witnessed such a massive demographic shift in such a short period of time.
Our culture, our nation, will not remain through this shift. Something else will come next. Because the historic American nation and American state cannot survive a demographic overload of such high proportions.
The nation and her culture is entirely based on the people. These historic people are now about to be a minority-majority. The country as it was will not remain.
Now, more than ever, should my fellow Americans be preparing for the inevitable conclusions from the compilation of all that is happening here (where demographics are just one sizable component).
Prepare accordingly:
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