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A rather large issue with Catholicism and the pope that needs to be addressed. Centralization: the killer of all once virtuous institutions.
Any type of centralized institution with no safeguards lends itself toward the risk of being taken over by malicious agents. A church is no exception.
Which is one of my problems with many tenants of Catholicism. It seems the enemy has realized the importance of dominating the religious sphere. What better way to take it than to directly control a completely centralized church?
While the enemy is also spreading around protestant lines, it tends to be much more difficult for them. It’s why the most anti-degenerative churches are all non-Catholic.
It is aptly described by Viganò (a notable Archbishop):
Viganò reveals details – including names – about homosexual lobby in the Vatican
In my recent essay for the Catholic Identity Conference in Pittsburgh, I spoke of the eclipse that is obscuring the Church of Christ, superimposing over it an anti-church of heretics, corrupt men, and fornicators. Catholics know that the Church must retrace the footsteps of her Head, Jesus Christ, along the way of His Passion and Cross, and that the end times will be marked by a great apostasy that will strike the ecclesial Body even up to its highest levels. Thus, just as on Golgotha the Sanhedrin thought that it had defeated Our Lord by having him condemned to death by Pontius Pilate, today the Vatican Sanhedrin believes that it can overthrow the Church by delivering it into the hands of the globalist anti-Christian tyranny.
We must therefore evaluate what is happening today with a supernatural gaze, in light of the battle that the world’s élite are conducting against Christian civilization. The attack that was initially launched from the outside against the Catholic monolith has evolved, from the Second Vatican Council onwards, into an action of widespread infiltration by means of the deep state in civil society and the deep church in the religious sphere. The enemy has succeeded in penetrating the interior of both the State and the Church, in order to rise to the very top, building a network of complicity and connivance that binds all of its members by means of blackmail, having chosen them precisely because of their corruptibility. It is not by chance that honest officials are systematically hindered, marginalized, and made the object of attacks.
Bergoglio’s recent utterances about homosexual civil unions; the impressive number of homosexual prelates with whom he has surrounded himself even in his residence at Santa Marta, beginning with his personal secretary Msgr. Fabian Pedacchio, who was suddenly removed and vanished into thin air; and the scandals that emerge daily about the homosexual lobby in the Vatican: all of these elements suggest that the Argentine wants to legitimize LGBTQ ideology not only in order to support the globalist agenda and demolish the immutable principles of Catholic morality, but also in order to decriminalize the crimes and abuses of his collaborators, protecting the magic circle that involves Maradiaga, Pineda, Peña Parra, Zanchetta, and the entire Vatican lavender mafia.
I wonder if Bergoglio himself, who was unknown to many people until March 13, 2013, is not being blackmailed by those who benefit with such impunity from his clemency. This would explain the motive that leads the one who sits on the Throne to rage with so much ruthlessness against the Church of Christ, while showing the greatest respect for people who are notoriously corrupt, perverted, and almost always implicated in sexual and financial scandals. The alternative – the plausibility of which is supported by disturbing elements that continue to be gathered with each passing day – is that Bergoglio’s choice to surround himself with people given over to vice, who are therefore blackmailable, is a deliberate one, and that the ultimate goal that he pursues consists in the demolition of the Catholic Church, replacing it with a sort of philanthropic and ecumenical NGO that is subservient to the globalist élite. Faced with this betrayal by the one who holds the Papacy, any effort at transparency and clarity, if it is to be effective, cannot exclude the one who for over seven years has proclaimed by his words that he wants to clean up the Vatican and the Church.
This is a very well-written and explanatory article describing the heart of the matter. I highly encourage you to go to the archived link and read it yourself.
With special emphasis on the following statement:
is that Bergoglio’s choice to surround himself with people given over to vice, who are therefore blackmailable, is a deliberate one, and that the ultimate goal that he pursues consists in the demolition of the Catholic Church, replacing it with a sort of philanthropic and ecumenical NGO that is subservient to the globalist élite
The entirety of the Catholic church is infiltrated.
While one can easily have faith and practice outside of the church, the Catholic doctrine generally requires submission to the Papal hierarchy (so far as I understand it – granted, I am not an expert on the matter). However, any submission to these homosexual deviants and corrupt globalists is no religious matter I wish to follow.
It seems as though it may only get worse from here, given the circumstances described by Viganò. I doubt it will be long until the higher ups in the Catholic church are calling for everyone to accept LGBT, abortion, and other leftist aims with open arms.
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