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There is an upcoming schism in our country. In this article we address the mindset needed to prepare for this inevitability.
I stumbled upon this interesting article that discusses the future issue of familial schism in the upcoming conflict and wanted to share it with all of you:
Okay, so here’s the blog post I don’t want to write.
The next American Civil War will be fought in a lot of places, in sudden flare ups and unexpected bursts of rage. But where most casualties will occur is in the home.
America’s civil war will be fougnt many places, but mostly in living rooms: siblings against each other, parents against children, children against parents, husband against wife, wife against husband.
If you live with a convinced leftist, how safe is your life, should the balloon go up?
And before you say “The first civil war was also between brothers!”
Sure, it was. There were mixed families. Mostly upper crust mixed families. But the war was largely a regional war, the country riven on regional lines.
Now? Bah. Now it’s a war of ideology. A war of beliefs.
And a lot of people are sleeping with the enemy, hanging out on weekends with the enemy. Visiting the enemy. Having lunch with the enemy.
At this moment a lot of you are sitting back there and going “My wife/husband/elementary school friend is not an enemy. Sure, he/she/it drank the Marxist koolaid from a hose but in every day life, in our normal interactions, in non-political things, we are very close, the best of friends.”
And maybe you are. Maybe you can trust them with your life.
But I will remind you we live in a nation where the capital is surrounded with razor wire to defend themselves from people who voted for the guy. I will remind you there are troops occupying our capital and that our secret services have so far been corrupted they keep inventing internet conspiracies (or probably referring to their very own black ops) to justify it.
I will remind you that your favorite progressive has allowed himself to be moved from “strong welfare net” to “we need full on communism, with favored races” within the last 12 years (or was indoctrinated into that state in schools.) I will remind you — and the conversations related back to me don’t help me think otherwise — that your favorite leftist thinks you’re racist/homophobic/evil. NO MATTER HOW MANY indications to the contrary.
And I can hear you sniffling: “But I love him/her/it/fuzzy.” Well, yes, and ten years ago that would have been me. I had very good friends I just classed as political idiots. I don’t wish the last 10 years on anyone, but at least they’re not living with me, 90% of them don’t know where I live. And I’ll be out of here in hopefully no more than 4 but maybe ten months, and maybe we have that long. Also, most of my close friends/acquaintances aren’t likely to cause any damage, being…. not the type. On the other hand two dozen of them (easy) are friends with people who WILL.
Sooner or later, the balloon will go up. Be prepared to save yourself, if you can’t save them.
Don’t let your loved lefties jeopardize your survival. And above all don’t let yourself become someone you won’t be able to live with after.
They have a very infantile idea of war and of political cleansing, and they probably aren’t aware most of these were done — in the 20th century — under the guise of “turn in your loved one, so the state can keep him/her safe and reeducate him/her.” I even agree despite their often infantile raging, they mean well.
But we know what the way to hell is paved with, right?
And trust me, people in war, people in unstable situations, and particularly indoctrinated people act in ways you can’t imagine.
Look at the evidence of 20/21 and be prepared. The life you save might be your own.
I didn’t want to write this post, but I had to. If it saves even one life….
Keep your clothes and weapons where you can find them in the dark.
This article will ring very true in the coming days. We’ve already seen leftist family members turning on their conservative blood lines like it is nothing.
Many have even posted GoFundMe’s to then profit off of it.
No virtuous individual should stay together with a leftist. Don’t sell your soul for so little. Make sure to draw an appropriate line with other family as needed, however that line must look.
Additionally, don’t keep “friends” around that hate you, who you are, and everything good in the world. They are not friends, they are evil.
And obviously, as I’ve said 500 times, don’t support people who hate you. Give money only to those that are with you. It matters.
The dividing issues are not mere political differences anymore. They are life and death of our nation and ourselves. The division has become too heavy, too ingrained to ignore. It’s not going away and it is not getting better. Make the cuts now before it gets worse.
Keep your friends close and your guns closer. Enemies have no place within your stronghold.
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Maybe I just got lucky by finding my red pilled wife, but I cannot imagine being in a relationship with, let alone married to a leftist. Do you not care for yourself and your children enough to find a partner that won’t subvert their upbringing and predate them for a life of dysfunction? Anyway, great read.
Agreed. Although I do feel for the people that were married to someone who they thought were sane but, over time, turned out not so. Changes in marriage do happen and sometimes not for the best.
In the modern day, I wouldn’t even consider a leftist woman for a fling, much less a long-term life companion, no matter the circumstance.