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American Births Vs. The Illegal Alien Invasion

The American Empire is in total demographic freefall, mirroring late-stage Rome. The illegal alien invasion is completely out of hand.

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Now here is a chart that is as enlightening as it is terrifying:

American Births vs. Illegal Aliens chart

If trends continue at this rate, we will have more invaders entering in than we have American births. And this includes expulsions! Incredible.

This is an unbelievable chart, something that I cannot even fathom. Right here you have clear-as-day end of empire data.

[If you have not, I encourage you to read my anacyclosis articles, which detail these cycle of collapse events. Find those articles here: Compilation: Historical Texts On Anacyclosis.]

This is the data that historians look back on centuries from now with disbelief, due to the sheer insanity of it all.

This is not a sustainable condition. A nation—Hell, not even an empire—can preserve under such conditions for long.

I know few can believe it, but Rome fell with even fewer barbarians at the gate.

Read Next: The Ominous Purpose Of Illegal Immigration


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. It’s the final phase of the Kalergi Plan. Once they’re given the word these illegals will slaughter the whites, with the elite’s blessing on the taking of all their property. It happened in South Africa and is happening now in Europe and the British Isles. It’ll probably be preceded here by a gun grab. And yes, that’ll happen regardless of which sock puppet assumes the chair in the oval office.

      • I’m not sure there’s anything we can do other than try to get people to believe the awful truth that every official historical narrative is a lie. There’s strong delusion at work that’s, I believe, Satanically inspired.

        Speak the truth, live not by lies, and pray for the Divine Intervention of Rev. 20:9.

        • Great response to a hard question. Only thing I’d add is to try like hell to find others that can see that awful truth like we do.

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