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Neocons push this moronic idea of "America being an idea". It's not. It's like every other country that has ever existed: a nation of people.
There is a recurring theme I hear from certain mainstream neocons. That theme is that America is an “idea”, not a nation. Which honestly sounds like it comes directly from the leftist playbook, with how stupid it is.
The nation is not an idea, it is a people. A nation with many different nations is a federation (or more apt when degenerating, an empire). It is not possible for a nation of people to simply be an “idea”. We are real, physical beings. Not some abstract philosophical concept.
It’s even in the definition of nation:
a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own:
A people who share common customs, origins, history, and frequently language; a nationality
This has always been a struggling point between the men of action versus the men of words. The men of words, the philosophers, deal only in abstracts. They struggle to understand the reality of pragmatic approaches. Which is why they are often worthless, aside for laying some groundwork for the men of action.
Our nation was historically the American people. The American nation. You could say the “American people” have changed in the modern era (with demographic transition), but then you could look at the nation as a whole and see that it too has changed. It changed because the people changed. Both the distribution of certain internal people (of culturally distinct backgrounds) and the distribution of migrants.
A national person must be one who is fully assimilated into the nation. A piece of it. This is not a thought but a biology. It is a person within the actual organism and cultural-unit.
When I speak to many immigrants, I’ll commonly hear them reference their nation using specific terms: They’ll say “back in my country” or “my home” or some other variation of it. This isn’t their nation. Most of them don’t want it to be. They already have a nation. They don’t need another.
Consider a hypothetical regarding the allegiance question: If Mexico were to become the richest country, have explosive opportunities, and a complete annihilation of their current problems while America descended into a failure, would the Mexican immigrants stay here in the US? Would they fight for our nation? Maybe a small fraction would – but the majority would “go home”. The same is true of most immigrants. They are not here to become a part of the nation. Those people already have a nation. They are here because the environment is better than their current nation. If that shifted, their allegiance would as well. Because their allegiance will always lie with their nation.
Some of them may abandon their nation in favor of ours, but that is the exception to the rule. Even when they do so, they don’t always pick up on our culture, heritage, beliefs, and “ideas” that would unite America as an “idea”. And there is no magic dirt from which they can suddenly change their biology to match ours.
In that hypothetical scenario, some of the Americans may even move to Mexico. But then those immigrants would not reference Mexico as their nation. They would be immigrants in Mexico, and would talk about “their home” and how it collapsed.
Even further questions could help us understand this. Many blacks would call themselves Americans, or be a part of the American nation (or at least a black subset of it). But many wouldn’t, because even after over 200 years they have not assimilated into the “people” that make America. They are a different nation within the American empire. They would still consider themselves “African”, but of an American continent bent. But I would bet that given the opportunity, they too would leave if America was lesser to the African nation from which they believe they descended from. Because it is closer to what they perceive as being “their nation”.
The nation is the ethnic. No ideas or pandering by men of words can change that.
Our nation is not an idea. Our nation is its people. The idea that any nation could be anything but its people is ludicrous. To preserve the nation, you must preserve her people and her people’s culture, which includes the biological component at its head. If you don’t, you get what we have now.
Which is nothing more than a degenerating society fueled by internal division by different ethnics.
We have tried to transplant our “American idea” to other national people. The result is much of the war-torn areas of Africa and the middle-east. A failed idea. Because they are not our people. And they do not want to live like our people. Our people have our own ideas, but they are only suitable for our people. The idea is never the first, nor should it be the focus. The people are both.
If America was an “idea”, it has clearly failed. Both abroad and at home. Our next “idea” should be recognizing that the nation is its people. So perhaps we won’t make the same mistakes again by thinking that the men of word’s ideas are more powerful than the people that implement them.
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Thanks for expressing this clearly. I have struggled to explain this to Constitutional conservatives and limited government advocates to try to explain to them that people are defined by the very identity politics they deny. Another way of putting it: If government is supposed to be limited, then how come they define themselves by their philosophy of government? Shouldn’t government merely be a tool for people rather than the definition of their existence?
That’s the key right there. Government is a shell; an empty framework. It’s a system to be used in the implementation of a state, to the benefit of a nation (of a collective people)