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Aliens, UFOs, and the extraterrestrial.
The UFO stuff is a great bedtime read, as it puts me to sleep nearly instantly. It’s just one of those subjects I cannot get into in any meaningful capacity because of how boring it all is.
Especially the recent “news” about UFOs. Our ruling class is telling us about how they’ve had alien contact and have confirmed UFOs now, apparently.
But who buys into this stuff?
The average person cannot be this dumb to fall for such obvious government propaganda can they? Someone please tell me we are not this far lost.
You’d have to be really far gone to believe what the government is saying when they’ve openly lied about the exact same subject a dozen times in the past and the rulers have a hundred reasons for a distraction right now.
So why are they pushing it? Maybe we have a project blue beam on our hands. The CIA and military industrial complex has lied about UFOs in the past to hide their own plans. Or maybe this news is being used as a distraction.
I don’t know. But what I do know is whatever the government says is a lie in some capacity, so the truth is not to be found in their current reportings.
One thing I have enjoyed about these stories, however, is being given the opportunity to ponder about alien overlords. Given the movie They Live, aliens would actually be superior to our current ruling class:
Lesser of the two evils, I guess.
If aliens came and threatened to overthrow our civilization, picking a side wouldn’t be as easy as the alien invasion films make it out to be.
We’d have to have a lot of negotiations. And quite frankly, given our current leaders, aliens might be preferred.
I may end up as a literal meme:
Happy Meme Monday. I hope you all have an otherworldly week.
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I don’t know about extraterrestrials, but I was at a gun show this past weekend and witnessed a vendor asking two Latinos is they had a drivers license and they replied “no”. The vendor then inquired about a “green card”, they said yes and he replied “that’ll do”. We are talking gatz here, not sporting platforms, not even. Outright catering to cartel elements to the point where the only solution will be the CBDC, the mark of the beast by all accounts. As all political forces that put stooges like Biden out front and center to distract us from their world dominance plans, the work the plan from both the top and from the bottom. The US middle class is the last vestige of unalienable rights and that is their target. Human rights are an illusion, constructed and adjusted to suit their purpose.