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Alex Jones And The Sandy Hook Trials

The first of many Sandy Hook trials concluded recently. An article on how Alex Jones is a precursor for what is coming to all dissidents.

alex jones trial

The Sandy Hook Trial: Alex Jones

I’m sure most of you have heard about this by now.

But for those of you out of the loop:

Jury Orders Alex Jones to Pay $45.2 Million in Punitive Damages in Sandy Hook Trial

Jones was also ordered to pay $4.1 million in compensatory damages

A Texas jury has determined that Alex Jones, host of the show Infowars, must pay $45.2 million in punitive damages in a defamation lawsuit over his false claims that the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting was a “hoax.”

Jones was not in the courtroom to hear the verdict, which came a day after the same 12-member jury determined that Jones and his company, Free Speech Systems LLC—Infowars’ parent company—must pay $4.1 million in compensatory damages in the case, bringing the total Jones was ordered to pay in damages in the lawsuit to $49.3 million.

Federico Andino Reynal, Jones’s lead attorney, told the judge immediately after the verdict that he will appeal and ask the courts to drastically reduce the size of the verdict.

Neil Heslin and Scarlett Lewis are separated parents of slain 6-year-old son Jesse Lewis, who perished alongside 19 other children and six adults on Dec. 14, 2012, in the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut.

The parents had sought $150 million in damages in the lawsuit against Jones, Infowars, and Free Speech Systems. Heslin filed the lawsuit in April 2018, suing Jones for defamation and intentional infliction of emotional distress.

This trial is the first of a few, if I recall correctly. Jones is being sued all over the country.

The trial is most definitely a sham. The trial is in Austin, Texas—A notorious leftist haven. Look up information on the leftist judge for proof of that fact:

Yeah, she sure seems reasonable and not biased at all.

The kicker? She is elected. Not appointed. Ponder on that for a while.

This trial is a direct assault on right-wing speech, whether or not any dissidents want to admit it. It’s not about the conspiracy aspect as much as it is about silencing political dissident talk. Silencing anything not approved by the FactCheckers™ or created by the Narrative™.

We have instances of leftists directly calling for violence and not getting even the slightest reprimand (Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer/Elizabeth Warren, the list is rather endless). Sometimes they even call for violence directly against a mentioned person, such as a Supreme Court justice, and nothing happens.

But Jones simply talks about a conspiracy theory and gets sued fifty million dollars and drug through at least three separate court cases spanning numerous states. He didn’t even advocate for violence, or for anyone to confront the Sandy Hook parents, or to do much of anything.

He simply discussed the possibility that the narrative wasn’t true, and just may get sued out of existence for it.

This is a lawfare test run for the rest of us—Just like his social media un-personing was the first major coordinated Big Tech banning that was the test run for the rest of us. They banned him first, then they came for us.

They have now lawfared him first using “speech that caused mental anguish”. Next they will come for us.

Even for people that don’t like Alex Jones, it’s important to recognize that this is exactly how they will be coming for you. They won’t be sending soldiers. They’ll send lawyers and bureaucrats that will make you wish you were dealing with a soldier instead.

There is really no way to review this trial and come to any other conclusion about its purpose. It is laying the groundwork to be able to sue all dissidents over speech that goes against their narrative. Even if that speech isn’t directed at anyone in particular, the leftists will still be able to sue. Alex Jones didn’t even mention the names of the people that are suing him. But they still won fifty million.

Soon we’ll only have two groups being able to talk openly without getting sued out of existence: some limp-wristed, ball-less neocons and their counterparts the radical, unhinged leftists.

Just listen to the prosecuting lawyers themselves:

Attorneys for Heslin and Lewis had urged jurors to decide on an amount that could force Infowars to shut down.

You have the ability to stop this man from ever doing it again,” Wesley Ball, an attorney for the parents, told the jury on Aug. 5 before they began deliberations on punitive damages. “Send the message to those who desire to do the same: Speech is free. Lies, you pay for.

“We ask that you send a very, very simple message, and that is: stop Alex Jones. Stop the monetization of misinformation and lies,” he also said.

You already know that the leftists determine what is “misinformation”. Anything that the leftists think is “misinformation” now comes with a fifty million award for anyone even peripherally related to the supposed misinformation that signs up for a lawsuit.

The ruling class wants to shut us down, to “send the message to those who desire to do the same”, and to stop us from saying anything that contradicts their narrative.

Since they hold the sole rights to determine what is a lie, they also get to determine what speech is “free” and which speech costs fifty million dollars. This is where we are heading now.

I wonder how long it’ll take for them to find my small niche website and fine me for hundreds of millions for some mental anguish. Sadly (or perhaps not), I’m broke, so they won’t get anything. But they’ll get able to shut me down. Which is the true goal with these kind of lawsuits.

I don’t think they’ll take down Alex with this single suit, but I’m sure they have much more planned. This is just the beginning.

I’ll keep going on until I physically can’t anymore. As should you. But that time is coming. This is an ever-clear example of it.

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When Nothing Makes Sense

Don’t Worry: The Republicans Are Going To Investigate

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Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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