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A riled but fun rant against greed-driven real estate practices.
Have you ever noticed how every great Western nation was strong, prosperous, and healthy when residential real estate was focused on families and the local community? When slumlords, out-of-state landlords, and things like Airbnb were not allowed to exist?
Likewise, have you ever noticed how every great Western nation has been circling the drain since the “muh private property” aficionados allowed immoral psychopaths unfettered access to the housing market, allowing them to completely destroy local communities and families to make a quick dollar?
Surprise, surprise.
Guess what happens if your community is overtaken by short-term (or even medium-term) rentals? You can’t form a community there anymore, because the place is transient. It destroys local communities. As these grow in amount, more and more people cannot afford alternatives and get stuck in them, so community everywhere gets wiped out.
Likewise, guess what happens to family formation and family sizes when young families cannot afford housing because it has become an area for wealth generation for old people? Family sizes go down, families break up over financial concerns, and many families can never begin because they have no nest to do so.
This should be common sense, but we all know common sense is lacking under modernity.
On a societal level, housing is either a tool for wealth generation or a tool for family stability. It’s clear which it is in this country.
What has happened here is that the more market-minded types have been getting screwed over by the weaponization of housing by the psychopaths who do so to make money (like BlackRock). The Blackrock types buy out-of-state housing, purchase residential houses to convert to rentals (driving up the price of housing for the youth), and slum it up with other real estate tactics.
So, what do the market-minded types do in response? They pick up that same behavior that has been destroying them and their communities and likewise use it against others to make money. But on a smaller scale, like with Airbnb. “If you can’t beat them, join them,” is the mindset, I guess. Immorality follows immorality.
Now it seems that damn near everyone with money is “investing” in real estate. Which is completely asinine. Our people’s communities and families should not be for sale. In any sane nation, they wouldn’t be.
At the end of all this, the bankers and the ruling class are the only real winners. The wealth that the individual real estate investors get will be siphoned and lost through taxes and regulatory expenses. But the bankers extract wealth through each step in the process and force the use of the ever-inflating fiat that they control. They, and their lackeys like BlackRock, only gain. Everyone else loses, besides a temporary perceived win for the individual real estate investors.
This never had to be the only way. But it is the majority way, given that America is now The Great Shopping Mall. We are no longer a nation thanks to this market-mindset. We’re just an economic zone. So who cares if you screw over others within this blob economic zone? It’s not like they are your people with this mindset.
Perhaps worst of all, we now have the libertarian-types defending this type of predatory housing behavior by everyone that does so, because of the fabled property rights argument. You see, it doesn’t matter if the entire fabric of our society is undermined (families and communities). All that matters is what one person wants to do with their money. We’re just an economic zone, remember?
I’ve never hidden my thoughts on the matter: Airbnbs are a sign of the time. Meaning they are a major degeneration and wicked. Same with the out-of-state homeowners, non-live in house rentals, and similar acts that screw over families and youth trying to buy a house.
Given the current state of housing, the young will never have a chance at owning a house. It’s horrific what we’ve done to them with the housing market. And most of our elders attitudes are “I’ve got mine, so **** them”. Then people wonder why younger nationalists hate the economic zone mindset or the boomer mindset. It should not be a mystery.
We’d never have anything like this if we were a true nation. But a true nation has laws that protect families and communities. They don’t allow the market-god to run rampant and destroy everything honorable in its path. A true nation realizes that not everything revolves around economics.
Local communities should be able to decide what works best for them. If communities actually had a say, I’d guarantee things like out-of-state homeowners, slumlords, BlackRock’s investments, and Airbnb units would exist practically nowhere. Because everyone hates them in their own area. The only people that don’t are the slumlord psychopaths themselves. We are just powerless to stop them.
The same goes for proper laws. If we had sane laws on the housing matter, we would not have even the slightest housing problem in this country. There is an abundance of housing and land. The problem is the centralization of both. If you haven’t, read this: How To Fix The Housing Crisis: 3 Steps. It’s all fake, to the benefit of the bankers. All of it.
If we had something like progressive property tax, with low/none property tax for the first house but massive property tax for any over one, no out-of-state homeowners, and a ban on institutional holders, the housing situation would be fixed practically over night. All of those houses owned by private and institutional real estate investors would be put up for sale and prices would stabilize much lower where they should be. We would screw the usurious out of their unlimited houses and rentals: From the small Airbnb types all the way up to the especially usury-based institutions like BlackRock.
Just a couple of sane nation-focused laws would stop allowing countrymen to destroy other countrymen. That is all it would take.
We would get rid of the economic zone focus and shift it back to a family and community focus. Residential houses would be for local families instead of profit generation—A crazy concept, I know.
Now I know libertarians get offended at this idea because they want to pretend they are the moral ones because somehow allowing people to do whatever they want is “moral” in their imagination, but true morality—God’s morality—is on our side.
For true Christians, that actually live and follow their own faith, this should not even be a discussion. You are commanded to support and elevate your neighbor, not siphon money from them while keeping them in subjection in rental units.
We can only have one master, after all: “No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be loyal to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon (Matthew 6:24)”.
You are also commanded to avoid the idolatry of money and markets: “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows (1 Timothy 6:10)”.
And to avoid usury: “You shall not charge interest to your brother—interest on money or food or anything that is lent out at interest. To a foreigner you may charge interest, but to your brother you shall not charge interest, that the Lord your God may bless you in all to which you set your hand in the land which you are entering to possess. (Deuteronomy 23:19)”.
And to do good to all, especially other Christians: “Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, especially to those who are of the household of faith. (Galatians 6:10)”.
Kind of hard to do all that if your entire focus is on fostering an economic zone where a nation should be.
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