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On "The Jewish Question". Addressing my thoughts on antisemitism and criticism of Jewish influence and involvement with centralization.
Responding to “antisemitism” (I use the term in the political sense, not an emotional sense) is a quasi-requirement for everyone public on the Right, in some capacity. Similar to everyone on the far left that should respond to pedophilia, trannies, and communist history.
I felt it was time to address my thoughts on the matter, to at least put the topic to rest. I hope to address it without ignoring the topic outright, which is so painfully common.
Many comment sections on right-wing political websites become susceptible to judeo-criticism. I always try to allow others to voice their opinions, so long as it is done in a rational and civil manner. This is true even of points I personally disagree with. (Still: I won’t spend money to host irrational vulgarity. If that is your forte, don’t post it here. Go host it yourself). But I will host judeo-critical material, so long as it is done civilly and nonviolently.
The problem is not these viewpoints, but that these points are rarely brought up by judeo-critics in a rational and civil manner. For whatever reason, the judeo-critic group breeds hostility and vitriol anger. It’s just endless hatred that appears all-consuming. It seems to cripple the judeo-critics and make them unable to see, notice, or hear about anything else. They start seeking confirmation bias in everything. They lash out and blame everything on Jewish individuals, even things that are openly done by others (such as leftist whites).
Whenever something doesn’t go the way they think it should, they start looking for a Jewish individual or entity to blame. Sometimes, they find one. Other times, they relate it to someone else that has some connection with Judaism. It’s a never-ending and self-fulfilling prophecy if sought after.
The judeo-critics become the Right’s version of the insane blue-haired lesbian communists, constantly seeking a patriarchy to blame. The extremes of the end that even the normal “extreme” doesn’t want to associate with. It’s not a winning strategy to convert the grey masses, and it is clearly not useful for the holder of the belief.
Neither can it organize itself into a reliable movement or organization in the modern day. No large group is going to pick up the Nazi flag in any practical sense. Thus, not only does it serve no purpose, it is actively damaging against those movements that could make headway in the modern era.
In many ways, even the foundational logic is similar. They condemn an entire group because of the trends of a few within that group. Similar to how SJWs hate all men, or how leftists hate whatever they perceive as white, and so forth. There is a difference between recognizing problematic trends in populations versus becoming engulfed by a singular focus on one group that is not your own.
My goal with my work here and with political activism in general is to find solutions, not solely to explain problems. I find that judeo-critics rarely have solutions, only a supposed problem (the JQ). A rule by one national socialist dictatorship is not a permanent, sustainable solution. Neither is the continuation of the republic system of government, just one devoid of jews, that will still lead to the problems we have today but minus the jews. The problem lies in anacyclosis and the cycle of collapse, regardless of the belief of who or what exploits that cycle. Remove the Jewish population and the cycle will still continue on.
Many jews are currently influential in the centralizer positions within the U.S. But if you removed them, others would fill that role.
Judeo-critics also provide no moral method to reach the solution, except for perhaps a small group that mentions deporting jews. But to assume that after deporting jews, all of our problems would be fixed is fallacious. The Jewish population was resolutely tiny before they started to grow in size in the 1850s, and when our own people invited them in. If you do not fix the underlying issue, which is the cycle and unsustainable systems, no actions done now will sustain forever. Other problematic populations will fill any void.
We need a nationalist world where all people have their own lands, which requires a nationalist system and sustainable government framework above all else.
Our people on the Right notice trend lines. They do it with blacks, Muslims, Asians, and obviously—jews. But they do not always place these trends in the correct context. Most do, but for some reason, when it comes to judeo-criticism, many go off the deep end. Again, it is thedifference between recognizing problematic trends in populations versus becoming engulfed by a singular focus on one group.
I do not disagree with all the judeo-critic’s points. Some are valid.
Jews are absolutely overrepresented on the left. But they are not the majority of the left. The majority of the left are our own people; our own useful idiots. If we deported the jews, we would just be ruled by white leftist lunatics instead. It is not a solution nor an adequate representation of the problem.
Jews are also disproportionally high regarding the total number of centralizers. But they are not the only centralizers and likely not the majority of them. Judeo-criticism ignores the larger issue of all societal centralizers. You could remove all jews in our nation and it would do little to solve the overall issue of centralizer takeover, because it does nothing to address the actual root cause of allowing that centralization lever to exist in the first place.
The jews being disproportional in some centralization fields likely has to do with genetic pressures and nomadic cultural traditions. Blacks and Hispanics are disproportionally tiny in the centralizer group compared to their populations (for similar reasons), whereas whites and Asians are likely found fairly proportional to their population percentages. Which ties to genetic and cultural traditions/pressures. Asians seek intellectual and business work, whereas historically Jews prefer banking and cultural work. This provides more ease for cultural marker centralizer positions, which are more clearly presented than some other centralizers. Therefore, they receive more blame and it’s easier to play the “found the jew” game.
There is a plethora of countries around the world with minimal Jewish populations (with insignificant power) that are still following the same madness that we are. The centralizers exist based on the system, not race.
I have read Macdonald, and the other assorted figures prominent on the antisemitic Right. I still end up at these same conclusions. My disagreement is not from a lack of understanding of the judeo-critic arguments or the disproportionality.
I am neither a fan of the Talmud due to its “superiority” complex, willingness to rape children, and the consideration of other races as inferior. Nor do I consider Israel an ally of us. Talmudism is an affront to Christ, God, and every faith—And the Jews do need to repent and accept Christ. But that is a spiritual question, not a political one. Those Jews who know of Christ and refuse him are the synagogue of Satan, that I make no apology for.
But most of the “problem” jews that the judeo-critics address aren’t even the religiously orthodox jews, they are atheistic ethnic jews. The orthodox jews often keep to their own and don’t do much of anything, including work. They spend all their days studying while the wife works. No work means no power to centralize. If anything, the judeo-critics should root for more jews to become orthodox. Which is ironic.
Jews have been targeted/expelled from states since the pre-Roman era. Lots of people have dealt with the heavy hand of history, including my own Irish ancestors, so I’m not looking at this like a sob story. LIkewise, much of the persecution was justified based on their usury actions. But it is relevant, because I believe that the Jewish traits toward sensitive societal positions are likely formed because of this mostly self-inflicted persecution, not found epigenetically before it.
The middle-ages saw few Jewish individuals in positions of power, which were at the height of the persecution. The jews that survived persecution were self-selected for those new traits, whereas the rest were removed or killed. This encourages a continuation of that specific behavior of assuming leadership roles nomadically and using them to support their own people at the cost of the host.
I don’t necessarily blame them. I would also love to take over sensitive societal positions and use them to help my people. It’s just a fact of human nature, likely expressed higher in certain populations due to historical pressures placed on those peoples. This doesn’t mean there is a conspiracy or a desire to destroy us by the entire Jewish population. Or a genetic trait to destroy the host.
It is my belief that nationalities should have their own countries or their own national authorities, but the focus on jews does not put us in any better position to reach that. In many ways, the over-the-top actions by the judeo-critics hinder that goal. For no reason, considering that the desired separation will occur if we win, anyway.
It also makes little sense from a national perspective to put all the blame on jews when our own people had let the jews in originally. They aren’t native to the Americas. Someone let them in and gave them citizenship. It is always best to look inward before demonstrating outward hostility. If our people would have kept this land for us, we wouldn’t even need to discuss such subjects. They failed first, regardless of what the jews are doing now. To fix ourselves, we have to actually fix ourselves.
All of these are rational or logical arguments against judeo-criticism. But more importantly, there is a practical and pragmatic one.
That argument is that the judeo-critics are organized solely around a negative, not positive, identity.
I spoke about this in my organization article:
The organization must define itself in the positive, not the negative. The organization must be in favor of something; it must be actively seeking a specific objective. They are not to be “against” something or in response to something.
Judeo-criticism is an outward, negative identity. It is against something. It is not fighting for something. Their crowd is a negative identity, focused on assaulting something else instead of the positive variant of bettering our own. It’s simply an unsuccessful identity that could never lead to anything positive.
It is why even Julius Evola had a disdain for Germany and “Hitlerism”, because it had become so engulfed in materialistic worship of the race and hatred of other races instead of seeking something spiritually positive with the German people. So engulfed in destroying the jews he forgot to take care of his own. You need the race of the soul more than anything, especially more than the lowest form of the race: the physical.
I am not “anti-black” or “anti-Asian” in the same way I will never be “anti-Semite”. I am pro-white, I am pro-American, I am pro a national authority for all people. One that seeks the betterment of all nations through their own nation. I don’t hate anyone, nor feel contempt for them. My root desire is that they all find Christ. I just want the betterment of my own, which in turn will be the betterment of all, as they all seek the same thing.
This is a positive identity. This is one that is encouraging. One that can pragmatically be successful and sustainable in the end. A negative identity cannot. It can only exist as an opposition, and once that opposition is removed, it will need another enemy to sustain.
There will always be people, entities, and things that exploit your weaknesses. If not the jews, then it would be some other centralizer. The devil has many people and nations in his toolbox. Our people will always have enemies. It’s childish to expect them to not assault your weaknesses. Which means that it is not the enemy you must focus on, but on improving your own weaknesses. Improve those and then all kinds of enemies cannot target you.
I’ve addressed numerous points here with regard to judeo-criticism. I want to end with my personal thoughts on it.
At the end of this all, I am not a judeo-critic or antisemite (although I am not afraid of these name-calling titles), and do not intend to become one. The environment they surround themselves in is not a healthy or prosperous one. I find it very cult-like and think that it often does significantly more harm than good to the overall movement to save our people. I also feel like it takes some of our best people and completely corrupts them, when they could have so much potential with actually helping get our people out of this position.
Still, I encourage pointing out the centralizers: Jewish or not. Make them known and work against them in any way you can. But do so because you love your own people and want to see them free from the bondage of all imperial chains, not because you hate another.
So, I will not be joining the judeo-critic side, even though I am well-versed in their arguments. I still am not in favor of “Judeo-Christian” nonsense or anything of the sort. That hasn’t changed. Those criticisms are still free game and Christ is God whether or not the jews recognize that. Equally so, the Talmud is one of the most psychopathic books on the planet.
At the end of it all, what I am a critic of is the centralizers, regardless of denomination. But more importantly, I am an overt nationalist that is focused on our nation’s future. My identity is a positive one. One in favor of us and our nation.
I am and always will be for my people. Not against any others.
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do you remember the article about the Weimar Republic and the degeneration, you have written? Magnus Hirschfeld was a jew. And the guy who did the first gay-movie was a jew. AND the one sociologist – mind you sociologist – of those who supported the World League for Sexual Reform, he was also a jew. And for sure, those were not the only jews. The origin of the degenerated rainbow-stuff comes from jews, and they infected those who we call today “the useful idiots”. And mysteriously, Hitler wrote the same, that all the poison in press, culture, etc. comes from jews. They were the authors. And it can’t be a coincidence, and that’s why I think, there is a lot more to know about jews. For example the control of the press or maybe the control of all western countries. You discovered a lot of truths, but you seem to stop, when it directly comes to jews. And this is not satisfying in my opinion.
Hi Hannes, your points about jews being disproportionally represented in certain areas were already addressed in this article. Please give it a read.
As far as the truth statement: It is not that I “stop”, I just don’t see it. If we didn’t have the jews in those positions, we’d have some other demographic fulfilling the exact same role.
I view the jews as I view many other ethnics. They need to have their own nation-state, far away and distinct from my own. But my interest is my people. If more of our guys were focused on truly helping and bettering our own instead of vilifying and attacking others, we may have actually done some good and gotten somewhere by now.