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Biden's Vaccine Mandate

Absolute Covid Authoritarianism Is Here: Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Now is the time. Biden's vaccine mandate is here. It's time to join the #resistance.

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

Have you ever heard of anything so blatantly unconstitutional?

Central planning of all private businesses above 100 people and all healthcare employees, forced experimental drugs to be put into every person or face starvation, and still endless masking. Along with apparently no choice to do only what the government tells them to do.

Meanwhile, all of this is being done via an executive order and administrative bureaucracy. It’s not even going through the legislature.


I honestly don’t think I’ve witnessed anything this bad in my entire life as far as in-your-face tyrannical overreaches go. Even other big instances like the Patriot Act were more subtle and didn’t impact nearly as many people or in nearly as personal of a manner. I almost don’t think this is real, that it is a cover for something else entirely, because this seems too extreme even for the cloud people idiots.

The government has pretty much come out and said you have to do whatever medical procedures they demand. Not even the government – just the executive – demands.

If you can’t see the potential future problem with this, then you’re already lost. If you do see where this leads, then now is the time to join the real #resistance.

Just look at this horrendous list of “orders” (Read: not elected laws):

  • Requiring All Employers with 100+ Employees to Ensure their Workers are Vaccinated or Tested Weekly
  • Requiring Vaccinations for all Federal Workers and for Millions of Contractors that Do Business with the Federal Government
  • Requiring COVID-⁠19 Vaccinations for Over 17 Million Health Care Workers at Medicare and Medicaid Participating Hospitals and Other Health Care Settings
  • Calling on Large Entertainment Venues to Require Proof of Vaccination or Testing for Entry
  • Requiring Employers to Provide Paid Time Off to Get Vaccinated
  • Providing Easy Access to Booster Shots for All Eligible Americans
  • Ensuring Americans Know Where to Get a Booster
  • Requiring Staff in Head Start Programs, Department of Defense Schools, and Bureau of Indian Education-Operated Schools to be Vaccinated
  • Calling on All States to Adopt Vaccine Requirements for All School Employees
  • Providing Additional Funding to School Districts for Safe School Reopening, Including Backfilling Salaries and Other Funding Withheld by States for Implementing COVID Safety Measures
  • Using the Department of Education’s Full Legal Authority to Protect Students’ Access to In-Person Instruction
  • Getting Students and School Staff Tested Regularly
  • Providing Every Resource to the FDA to Support Timely Review of Vaccines for Individuals Under the Age of 12
  • Mobilizing Industry to Expand Easy-to-Use Testing Production
  • Making At-Home Tests More Affordable
  • Sending Free Rapid, At-Home Tests to Food Banks and Community Health Centers
  • Expanding Free, Pharmacy Testing
  • Continuing to Require Masking for Interstate Travel and Double Fines
  • Continue to Require Masking on Federal Property
  • Increasing Support for COVID-Burdened Hospitals
  • Getting Life-Saving Monoclonal Antibody Treatment to Those Who Need It
  • Expanding the Pool of Health Care Professionals Providing Treatment by Deploying Federal Monoclonal Antibody Strike Teams

Meanwhile, they have lied about covid deaths, lied about covid death rates, changed the definition of words such as vaccine, lied about vaccine efficiency, lied about vaccine protection, and then blamed everything on the minority unvaccinated population.

Yet they still can’t answer the basic question: If the vaccine works, then why do you need to force everyone else to take it? You should be protected, right? So piss off.

Nor can they answer the other basic question: If the vaccine works, then why do we have higher covid cases now when over 50% of our population is vaccinated? As vaccine consumption increased, we would have expected covid cases to decrease. But the opposite happened: as vaccine consumption increases, covid cases are increasing.

But they won’t just politely screw off. Because it’s not about protection, it’s not about Covid, and it’s not about death. It’s about power for the centralizers and it’s about the new Covidian religion for the cultists. They are in a religion, and their religion must be brought to everyone. They are Covidian Puritans that must spread their god and their fear far and wide. They must spread the vaccine “good news” to all.

Even if that means by force, apparently.

Read Next:

List Of Resources To Fight Vaccine Mandates and COVID Misinfo

The Most Secure Election In The World: Arizona Canvass Edition


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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