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Abortion Fetish: We Have Reached Peak Degeneracy

Abortion Fetish: We Have Reached Peak Degeneracy

Don't click here if you have a weak stomach. Let's show more evidence that this country is reaching peak degeneracy: The Abortion Fetish.

Let’s talk about the abortion fetish. (This isn’t for the faint of heart.)

Abortion Fetish: We Have Reached Peak Degeneracy

No, seriously. If you aren’t ready for some serious degeneracy, turn back now.

A lot of you were shocked about the depravity of the modern women with their Dubai porta potty stories. Well, I have worse now. Sadly.

As far back as 2013 and even earlier, pro-life and pro-common sense individuals have been talking about the twisted degeneracy that has continued to permeate within our society.

One of these interesting pieces of decadence is something called an abortion fetish. Or better known as:

a sexual kink where (at least) one of the sexual partners gets off on the idea of impregnating the woman and then killing the fetus.

This is a component of a much larger movement called “pro-choice” or better described as “pro-abortion”. People on the extreme of this movement are so messed up in the head that they actually fetishize killing fetuses.

They get an extra kink by calling them what they actually are: babies.

(At least someone in the pro-abortion movement can admit they’re kids. Even if those people happen to also be the most morally bankrupt of them all.)

Hell, they already want to normalize pedophiles, so why not have an abortion fetish too? There is apparently no limit to the degeneracy. There is no peak in clown world.

I believe it was only a couple months back when I wrote the article “The American Degeneracy Train Has No Brakes“. Quite apt timing, it seems.

The fetish is everywhere: Between certain social websites, Google groups, Facebook pages, Yahoo groups, Reddit discussions, and abortion-snuff sexual fetish sites, I think we can safely say this is a legitimate, albeit disgusting, fetish.

The last one sound a little extreme? Yep. It’s real though. It’s mainly hosted on the dark web, which I won’t link to here because it is far too messed up, even for my normal degeneracy tales on this website. Additionally, I’d probably get arrested even for sharing it.

But they have a normal clear-web website too. One is called the “Honesty Abortion Clinic“. It is much more PG than the dark web variants.

Ready to journey down the abortion fetish hole yet?

Abortion Fetish: Peak Degeneracy

Here are some quotes from the clinic to get started:

Every pregnancy starts the same way, with a man’s sperm and a woman’s egg. They may have met during a one-night stand, or after you were raped, or even after you and your lover made love, knowing that you might be ovulating. As a woman, you have the right to the pleasure your body was designed to give you. Every member of our staff knows the joys of the human female body, and we will work with you to make sure your abortion is the most sensual experience possible. If we do our job right, it will be better than the sexual act that created the baby in the first place.

Yes, they actually use the act of abortion as the principle fetish component. It’s not even the idea, or the breeding factor. It’s the actual act of abortion for both the male and female fetish side of it.

In fact, we have always used the sonogram to show our mothers the image of the baby they are about to kill. While most abortion clinics use old equipment so their mothers see only a lump, Honesty Abortion Clinic has the latest in fetal imaging technology. At every step in the process, from your first visit to the operating room, our staff will be watching the baby as the doctor kills it. And you will be watching too, on the high-definition monitors installed at every bedside.

Note that they don’t hide behind the terms “abortion” or “terminating the pregnancy”. Every single one of the fetish items on this website and the items I list below clearly say “kill”. They are not afraid of the true implications of their actions like many other pro-abortioners.

The other advantage of waiting, at least until the end of the first trimester, is that it will let you see your baby much more clearly. Our advanced sonogram technology will let you see your baby’s heart beating, the fingers and toes, and even the innocent baby face of the child you are about to kill. And, of course, you will be able to know if you are killing a little baby boy or a little baby girl. Our patients report that knowing the sex of the baby makes it much more personal when it dies!

Truly horrendous to even read, let alone know that someone else wrote this as a means to promote sexual content.

We discuss fetal pain on the Truth about Abortion page. You will certainly see your baby jumping and thrashing as the doctor cuts it apart! Whether that is pain, or something else, we do know that the baby feels itself being dismembered.

I included a web archive link to the site here, but I don’t recommend visiting it.

Remember, our goal is not just to kill your baby! We want you to have a sensual, pleasurable experience that will have you coming back for more.

These people want it to be a frequent occasion, not a onetime abortion. This is why they promote open-abortion clinics for all without question. Because if they start to question you around the fifth abortion, it’s clearly an invasion of a women’s “right to choose”.

There are people in this world that dream up this stuff and design entire websites around it. Then, they build dark-web pages for images/related material to share with others that have the same degenerate thoughts that permeate through our decadent culture. Then, they use it as fetish material.

Oh, and there was an entire subreddit (called “sexyabortions“) that was dedicated to fetishize abortion. Additionally, there are tons of Reddit posts with people talking about the abortion fetish:

I have a female friend who has a really powerful fetish for breeding, she has never used any type of birth control.

She is with a male partner currently who is just like her, into breeding and they have been practicing their fetish for quite a few abortions.

I know this fetish. my girlfriend and me have the same fetish. My girlfriend enjoy her pregnancy’s and she enjoys the abortion. Her preferred date for the abort is between 20 and 24 weeks of gestation. I enjoy it to make her pregnant. And i enjoy the time of her pregnancy. she has no menstrual period and she is sexual very active.

in the last 10 years in our relationship we have done 7 abortions. and my girlfriend is pregnant again with a little girl.

It is good (and rare) to hear of a couple (both man and woman) where both members are into abortion and pregnancy. This is a wonderful and potent example of personal power, where sex meets violence and creation combines with destruction.

Thank you for sharing your exciting romance and would like to know about how this latest abortion was for you. I can imagine that it is a very bonding experience between you and your partner.

Then we have other Reddit posts like this one here:

I’ve had 2 abortions so far, I love feeling my husband c**ming inside me and sucking milk from my recently pregnant **** while doing so. It makes me c** harder than anything else, knowing I can do this as much as I want and it isn’t against my religion so I’m still going to heaven 🙂

Not bad enough yet? There is also a manga where a woman is addicted to getting abortions with the goal of creating a halo out of the remains.

Then there are women that self-proclaim themselves as “abortion addicts” that would “skip their birth control sometimes just to see if they would get pregnant so they would be “forced” to get an abortion”. Heavy stress on the quotes around “forced” for these chicks. Naturally, they believe that their messed up emotions and actions are still somehow a man’s fault.

Oh, and here is a YouTube video of two pro-abortion podcasters talking about making an OnlyFans for abortion and fetishizing it.

We’re not done yet.

Take the Yahoo group message board:

I’m currently pregnant, and having had 5 children already, I know the
kind of orgasm I have while giving birth..is it better with an
abortion? Does it depend on who performs it? I am not at all certain
that I want to keep this baby and the idea of getting off during an
abortion and being able to remember that feeling always thrills me!!
I’d love to get more info from someone who has experience.


It has hundreds of participants over the many years it has been active, and quite frankly I’ve seen enough of this and don’t want to link anymore. Feel free to get it directly from the source yourself if you haven’t been sickened enough.

Ulrich Klopfer - abortion doctor
Dr. Ulrich Klopfer: Satanic abortionist

And the kicker to all of this? One of those lovely “trusted” OB/GYN doctors (Dr. Ulrich Klopfer, a South Bend abortionist) just died and The Will County Sheriff’s Office in Illinois says they discovered 2,246 medically preserved fetal remains at his property. I wonder if he was one of them that fetishized this stuff, or if he just enjoyed aborting fetuses without a license or facility. (His license had been revoked, so how he got 2,246 fetal remains is still yet to be determined).

The “progressive” nature of this country has turned something that should always be considered a morally bankrupt last resort (if at all) into something that is practically celebrated. Women come out proudly talking about having abortions, like it’s a powerful feminine virtue to kill something that can’t fight back.

And now it has gone so far off the deep end that it is being fetishized. We’ve truly hit the bottom of the barrel in terms of our cultural-social standards.

God help us all.


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


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