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You can't expect a republic to survive when local funding is transformed into federal funding. It's contrary to its nature.
An obvious example of federal government (politburo) centralization has happened with government funding. The politburo have consolidated significant funding power through the federal level. This is unsustainable in a rule-by-many framework like a republic.
An easy-to-grasp understanding of this effect is demonstrated through this article (ignore the lawsuit part, focus on what the Feds did):
22 States Sue Over ‘Gender Identity’ Rule Controlling Funding for School Meals
Twenty-two states are suing the Biden administration for threatening to withhold billions of dollars in school meal program federal funding unless the states comply with new rules regarding gender identity and sexual orientation in schools.
The lawsuit against the U.S. Department of Agriculture represents the latest volley between state and administration officials, who are accused of usurping their authority through presidential executive orders. The Tennessee and Indiana attorneys general are heading the coalition of states alleging that President Joe Biden and the USDA, which oversees the meal program, “issued directives and rules that misconstrue the law and impose unlawful requirements,” the lawsuit says.
The states complain that a federal nondiscrimination rule, set to take effect Aug. 15, seeks to impose “obligations that apparently stretch as far as ending sex-separated living facilities and athletics and mandating the use of biologically inaccurate preferred pronouns,” according to the lawsuit, which was filed in U.S. District Court in Tennessee on July 26.
“The Biden administration’s sweeping rhetoric treats normal practices, such as sex-separated bathrooms and athletics, as ‘discriminatory’ even though DOJ [Justice Department] and the Department of Education treated those as legal, nondiscriminatory practices as recently as last year,” the suit says.
A fact sheet about the proposed policy cited examples of discriminatory acts, as interpreted by bureaucrats, under the new rule, “Preventing a transgender high school girl [a biological male] from using the girls’ restroom” and “preventing a transgender high school girl [a biological male] from “try[ing] out for the girls’ cheerleading team,” the lawsuit says.
To summarize: The Biden admin has recently told schools that they won’t get money for poor kids’ meals unless they agree with the politburo’s leftist agenda on tranny kids and gender insanity. This is one aspect of how the politburo enforces control—through weaponized funding.
I talk a lot about centralization, and this is the reason why. The Department of Education was never meant to exist, and even when it was formed, it wasn’t meant to enforce these rules through funding.
Education was all local. But over time, the Department of Education slowly engulfed more and more taxpayer money, to the point that local/state funding is not enough to cover the expenses of these schools. These schools then have to rely on the federal government for funding. Thus, the Feds could then enforce their ideals on all schools across the entire country. Even though just a few decades prior, a federal Department of Education didn’t even exist. It was all centralization.
In effect, the Feds centralized the power source (money), so they could control it instead of the local people. The local people now have to agree with the federal government, or their poor kids will starve when they cut off funding. Thanks, Feds.
This is a literal step-by-step on how centralization siphons the control into the hands of a few. It’s one minor example, as this happens everywhere and to every locality in different ways. Most local cities receive major funding in hundreds of different areas at this point by the Feds, whereas it used to be majority-local or state. This slow financial centralization by the politburo was not by mistake. There is a reason we never used to have a federal income tax and now it is at least 20% of everyone’s income. They take this money to then control us.
A sustainable government cannot have this federal domination, because that would be a clear avenue for further centralization away from a rule-by-many. Local money needs to be local, so the decisions and control can remain local. This way, it can stay accountable and out of the hands of a single centralized Fed stormtrooper regime. Then, these communities can collectively resist centralization by the Feds.
Of course, this alone won’t save the system. Because we used to have that decentralized environment, and it became our current centralized environment.
But it is one important piece to integrate into a future system so that the Fed can’t overstep like they have under our failed republic.
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