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Sharing an IQ illustration from The Nature of Human Intelligence. A simple image that explains so much.
Within the book, The Nature of Human Intelligence, there is an illustration that can provide a lot of insight about intelligence, society, and race differences:
I originally heard about this book from Amren. The book is well worth a read if you’re interested in the subject.
The cumulative percentage and the ratio comparison are incredibly telling. Take the black/white ratio, for instance. 5:1 for the IQ below 76. Meanwhile, a 1:30 for IQ above 125. It would be very lonely being black with a higher intelligence within their own community.
It’s easily overlooked, but check out the % HS dropouts for each IQ bracket. Things in society will start making a lot more sense. It’s also why we used to have such a strong stigma with regard to high school dropouts. There is always a reason for a tradition, even if we don’t initially understand it. Those traditions were lessons from the past that we desecrated without knowing what new cultural trait we were putting in their place.
Pay special attention to the training potential section. It actually aligns rather nicely with my Belmod (belief modification) theory.
If you want to be able to interpret the wide-ranging ramifications of this single, simple illustration, I also recommend reading The Bell Curve if you have not done so. It’s essential reading for anyone on the Right. It demonstrates how IQ is related to several very important life outcomes and societal integration.
Then, when you come back to this illustration, everything will click.
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The Belmod Theory: What It Is and Why You Should Care
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“It would be very lonely being black with a higher intelligence within their own community.”
Hell, it’s not that much better being any other skin color or nationality. Read Aaron Clarey’s book “The Curse of the High IQ” and tell me any skin tint has it easier than the other. The effects of being an abnormal can be overcome, but you’re never ‘one of the boys/girls’ until you know who the boys/girls are. Then it’s not solace; it’s acceptance that there are others just as messed up as you.
Very true. Thanks for the book recommendation, I will check it out.