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Want victory over the evil afflicting our land? It's not hard. Follow these three steps and encourage others to do the same.
As much as people would like to hope for it, reform is not possible given our current system. We can’t go back. Nor should we want to.
So, how do we go forward?
First, we need some knowledge. This isn’t so much a “step” as much as it is a recognition of a universal truth. Civilizations rise… but civilizations also fall. Congratulations, you’re living through a decline and fall stage.
There isn’t much we can do to stop that fall. We’ve passed the point to even soften the landing. But there also isn’t much reason we should try to stop it. Because there isn’t much worth saving at this point.
We need that fall so we can have a rebuild.
We shouldn’t push for a faster fall (accelerationism), but we shouldn’t be so hesitant against it. Let it come when it comes. Our job is to work around it as much as possible. To submit to it, but also prepare for it.
Dissidents often recommend “forming community, getting a network, protecting your family, finding God”, and so on and so forth. There is a reason for that talk. It’s because more and more, dissidents are recognizing that we will go through this collapse, whether or not we desire to. There is no alternative. A rule by many always degenerates into a rule by few, and then to a rule by one. There is no escaping this fact of history. To survive that collapse—and to best position ourselves for after it—requires those recommendations.
Better us at the helm or with proper institutions for when that transition must occur. But, we can’t have that as individualists. We need community, networks, families, and God. Or we won’t be at the helm. The leftists will be.
You will live through the collapse. What we do to “save” this system before it crashes isn’t exactly useful. But what we do to hedge before that time comes is immensely useful.
Given the state of our degeneration, there is a simple three-step process to victory. It just takes time, and most of us wouldn’t live to see its fruits, so many right-wingers prefer some fantasy instead (like a violent overthrow of the government). We prefer the reasonable approach here.
Those three steps are:
We need people married to raise proper kids. We need children so that we raise the next generation with our interests at heart. Finally, we need that family unit to survive.
If this is done before, during, and after the collapse: We win.
Why? Because the current state of degeneration is so extreme that most of our main enemies, the most radical leftists, are literally sawing their children’s genitals apart or putting them on hormones, getting fourteen booster jabs that will reduce their fertility, eating soy/seed oils/plastics en masse, going childless, and so on. Give it a few generations and these people literally won’t exist anymore, because they aren’t procreating, and the ones they do procreate, they mutilate (so then their offspring cannot procreate). It is a self-solving problem with the bulk of them.
The only issue we will face will be the centralizers that drove the foot soldier leftists to this radical position. That is because they aren’t partaking in what they are ordering their drones to do.
But if we have many children, and those children are highly trained, those centralizers will be outnumbered and outmatched.
It would be a rough few generations, but after that, it’s guaranteed victory. You can’t argue against it: This process is simply mathematics. They won’t exist, given enough time. Only we will. But that’s only if we show up, have kids, raise those children right (in a healthy marriage), and weather the storm.
And that is also exactly why you need community, network, God, parallel institutions, and the like. It makes the “raise kids” and “survive” part much easier, especially once this collapse gets into full swing.
There are a lot of temptations, even right-leaning ones, that try to prevent us from accomplishing this list. All of those are placed purposefully so that this situation, as I’ve described it, does not come to pass (MGTWW, “red pill” pick up artists, incels, etc).
I think many on our side want some dramatic battle that will take place where we directly fight evil and win. Where we all go to war and heroically “slay the dragon”. But I just don’t see that happening. The boomers could have done it, but they passed up the opportunity. We may have even had a minor shot with Trump, but he also ran away. It’s too late now. We have to take the long, strategic approach. This approach requires future generations that carry the torch.
This path requires a rejection of the plague known as individualism:
A benefit of having children is that it immediately forces a dissident out of each of the three types of pathological cowardice that I mentioned in that article. It’s near impossible for a dissident to be an escapist, a loner, or a truth-denier with a young child. But those forms of cowardice will prevent you from having children in the first place. So, conquering those forms of cowardice is the first test.
But should you pass that test, you are welcome on the battlefield with the rest of us.
Read Next: The Dissident Life Cycle
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Obviously this is important, but the elephant in the Western Civilizational room are the foreign masses that have never stopped marrying and averaging four children per family (and certain cases, 2+wives per family).
This fact of numbers must take this into consideration as well. Were every single well-minded American to suddenly marry and have children, we still wouldn’t outpace the rate of foreign invader growth at this point.
So yes, of course apply the three steps above, but we must be realists in entirety.
I concur with your view of the demographic issue. My point in this article wasn’t so much that factor (although it is an accurate contribution), it was more focused on the leftist versus non-demon populations. We must build a government-in-waiting, as they say.
Additionally, the West is heading toward a major collapse, in both a spiritual and economic sense. The foreign invaders are not going to fight for the West. So once that crash happens, they will flee, just like migrants always do once the money dries up. They are more of a minor worry for me, given where we are at now.