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Are you even a human?
There is a simple test we can conduct to determine if someone is an NPC or a grey mass blob.
It’s simple, and you can do it right now.
The test is this:
I have proof that no matter where you are at on the 1-4 axis, you can improve. I’ve worked with people who have said 2-4 and have eventually developed their visualization to a 1. So, it’s possible with time and practice. But no amount of training can take a 5 to a 4.
The 5 level persons are people who cannot imagine or picture things in their minds at all. For example, if you tell them to close their eyes and think of an apple, they can’t picture an apple in their mind at all. Not even a hint of it in the darkness. All they can imagine are the feelings or ideas associated with an apple; But even those they cannot see.
They have what is now called “aphantasia”, a medical condition. Or maybe more aptly, a mental disorder that arises when you become too grey in the grey masses.
What is most fascinating is that this mental visualization is tied to personal monologue.
Many of the level 5ers also do not have an inner monologue. At all:
Does everyone have an inner monologue?
Some people process thoughts and feelings differently.
The “little voice in your head” can be your worst critic and greatest supporter. It’s been known to help with directions, give advice, rehearse tough conversations and even remind you to put pesto on the grocery list.
But does everyone have an inner monologue? For a long time, it was assumed that an inner voice was simply part of being human. But it turns out, that’s not the case — not everyone processes life in words and sentences.
“By inner monologue, we mean that we can have private speech that’s addressed to ourselves and that is carried out without any articulation or sound,” said Hélène Lœvenbruck, a senior neurolinguistics researcher and head of the language team in the Psychology and NeuroCognition Laboratory at CNRS, the national French research institute.
With true inner speech, you almost “hear” your inner voice, she told Live Science. You’re aware of its tone and intonation. For example, the voice can “sound” angry or worried. Research has shown that children as young as 5 to 7 can utilize an inner voice, and some studies suggest kids may use some form of inner phonetics as early as 18 to 21 months of age.
The lack of an inner monologue has been linked to a condition called aphantasia — sometimes called “blindness of the mind’s eye.” People who experience aphantasia don’t experience visualizations in their mind; they can’t mentally picture their bedroom or their mother’s face. Many times, those who don’t experience visualizations don’t experience clear inner speech, either, Lœvenbruck noted.
The researcher was correct when they originally assumed that an inner voice was “simply part of being human”. New research has not changed that. We’ve just uncovered that these people aren’t humans, they’re NPCs.
This means that there are actually people who cannot picture anything in their imagination and they do not have an inner voice. Can you imagine? No wonder they are so messed up in the head.
As a funny sidenote: On the meme image above, the John Green guy (who is a self-admitted level 5er) is a leftist. I’m sure you’re all totally shocked that a leftist is a grey mass NPC. Who could have guessed?
There is a reason why we call these leftists ‘NPCs’. They really are the meme.
Happy Meme Monday. Have a level 1er week.
Read Next: A Leftist Journo Signs Off
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My score depends on the time of the day.
If I’m at the office, I’m a 5.
If I work from home, I’m a 2.
If I work on my own projects, play video games, or sleep, I’m a 1.
When I have a dejavu moment, I’m a 4 when something didn’t happen yet and just flashes in my head, and a 3 when it actually happens at a later point.
But maybe I’m not an NPC at all, I can actually detect a dejavu moment while it’s in the process of happening, and accurately predict the next steps that will happen a couple seconds later, which I imagine NPCs can’t do, if they even get any dejavu moments to begin with that is.
Nice theory
I’m convinced it’s 180 degrees wrong though
Personally I believe my Aphantasia stems from childhood neglect because so much of the brain gets ” pruned ” during stress/neglect
Many people have told me unsolicited that I’m the most objective person they know
I’m aware of nobody who’s beliefs are more heterodox than mine,not saying they don’t exist,just nobody that I’m aware of
We are almost immune to PTSD this can’t be easily traumatized like many hot house orchids
It also makes other things much easier like reading,writing,math but makes things like art or design impossible
Not hearing actual voices in my head ,seems like the opposite of insanity
Ntm all mental illness presents with disordered sleep and I sleep so well that babies are jealous
But wonderful theory you have there