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waiting for the collapse

A Sad Reality: Waiting For The Collapse

We are truly going to become men among the ruins.

waiting for the collapse

Awaiting The Ruins

One topic that many normal conservatives shy away from is the idea of balkanization and preparation for the fall. Normies hate this. They instead prefer to grasp to the idea of reform or restoration.

People like us do not seek to reinvigorate the system, nor to reform it, nor to “beat it” in a traditional manner. We have given up on all of those pursuits because we have recognized that they simply will not work.

Most dissidents, nowadays at least, are simply building and preparing for their time. They are no longer directly active inside-the-system or outside-the-system (in the context of challenging the system); they are completely parallel to the system. Dissidents dropped the hope of the system—in a philosophical sense—entirely.

This is not something natural. It was forced on us by the conditions of our people.

Our people, the masses, no longer have courage or even just general awareness of what is happening. Their spirit is one of apathy, fear, and defeat.

This is plain as day anymore to everyone that cares to look. Especially when comparing ourselves to other countries. Here are just a few examples:

  • Brazil just had their elections (likely) stolen, and millions are protesting in the street. They are blocking cars, production, and performing worker strikes. Sometimes violently.
    • Meanwhile, in the United States, we barely had tens of thousands of protestors for our stolen election, even though we have a massively higher population than Brazil. This, even though the vast majority of Republicans believed it was stolen.
  • Even in China, they are facing protests erupting with hundreds of thousands to millions in attendance against covid mandates.
    • Meanwhile, we were lucky to have a handful of people in the major city I lived in when our local team would organize covid protests. This, even though in the United States we faced no major repercussions for protesting. In China they will get the gulag treatment for years. Yet, they still did so. But we could barely get fifty people to show up.
  • We also can’t forget even the case of Pakistan. They have millions packing the streets for an ousted prime minister, not even something like election fraud or literal bedroom-lockdowns for two years.
    • Meanwhile, we couldn’t get anybody to show up when millions were being thrown out of their jobs for politely asking for an exemption to mandated experimental medical procedures that were rushed through in a few months.

Our people just don’t care. They are already defeated. There are only the few of us—the remnant—that continue to fight on. This is important to understand the dissident mind.

We have a few select people with the courage to fight back, but not many. Not enough. And not nearly as many as poor or totalitarian countries like Pakistan, China, or Brazil. And that’s a harsh pill to swallow. Our people are too coddled. They’ll stand for nothing, except perhaps sportsball.

Our people may have guns, but we don’t have courage, so those guns are useless in our struggle. Our people are so reliant on this imaginary day they created in their heads when they suppose a direct conflict will occur outside of their own doorstep, and that is when they will stand and be courageous. It’s a pretend hero utopia that will never exist, and the ruling class uses this common fairytale to keep the masses complacent while they commit never-ending hordes of horrible, vile atrocities against us.

The normies’ kids won’t even be recognizable to them and we’ll all be brain-chipped and digitally tracked, but at least they have their guns, I guess.

Guns are great to have, but they’ve really done a number on us. The gunpill is almost like a lullaby pill. Because they don’t rely so heavily on guns, the Europeans and Canadians protested harder than we did. It is always a hard pill to swallow when the Euros and Canadians beat us, especially in something as historically American as demanding liberty.

I tried my best. I worked in the field. Both inside-the-system and outside of it. Just like many dissidents. I’ve given a significant chunk of my life to this fight. But I too have largely moved on to greener pastures, preparing for the fall and balkanization. Just like everyone else in my shoes. This is not a coincidence.

It’s through direct activism like this that many dissidents have learned the harsh reality of our situation. It is not so much the ruling class control over us that pressures us to change strategy, so much as it is the ambivalence and apathy by the public. They just don’t care. So, there’s not much we can do.

I know many newer dissidents favor the “it only takes 3-5% of the population to enact change” mantra. This is true, but it negates the reality that those 3-5% must be able to use the masses to their advantage in the process. Franco and Pinochet did not just ignore the masses during their revolutions. Neither did Lenin nor Hitler. All of them used the masses frequently, as the masses were upset and active about their angers with the system. The masses were useful in demonstrations, breaking down elements within the system, and small actions from the general grievances that could then be exploited by the 3-5%. We don’t have that.

The masses are still a necessary tool to defeat the enemy. Or they are a useful tool for the enemy. And right now, given their apathy and general disdain for anything even remotely center-right, they are a tool for the left. Even the normie centrists/conservatives like Jordan Peterson, who spend more time attacking us than literal communists.

We simply must wait for it to collapse to a point that the grey masses feel pain, and then (ideally) we will be in a place of maneuverability. That is the point of building now to capitalize on our parallel position later. We can do nothing now, because the soul of our people is completely void of any resistance that would be open to change.

They are simply too comfortable to do anything.

I learned this through inside-the-system strategies over the past four years. I don’t want to dox myself, so I can’t give out too much detail, but I worked in many central committees for parties, community organizations, political action groups, and the like, all to no avail. We would fight like hell, but it doesn’t matter when there is only thirty of us that would show up in a city of millions.

Smart people can only try for so long until they realize it is of no use. It isn’t until more people feel pain that anything will change. But we can prepare for once that day arrives and be in a much better position for it.

So that is now our strategy. We must prepare best for when that day arrives. That is why nearly every dissident is on this new train of belief: balkanize, regionalize, communalize, enclave, build, create, etc. Not because this is the best course of action, but because it is our only reasonable course of action.

Normal conservatives realize this once they’ve been in the game for a while, but most come in starry-eyed hoping for activist change at first. They must be worn down through years of worthless activism that yields no sustaining fruit, then they become us—the longhaul dissidents.

Those of us who have been in this for a long time already know the failures of the other courses. Sometimes baby dissidents still have to figure that out on their own, but they can go and do so. We’ll still be here when they catch up.

But knowing this doesn’t make it any easier. The truth is not easy to indulge in. The truth is hard, because with it comes the realization that if even just a small, seemingly insignificant fraction of the population would just stand up, all of this would have been over years ago. But it simply can’t happen. They won’t do it.

And there are many reasons for it. The biggest is the supposed risk to the person. They feel their standard of living may go away if they are targeted by the leftists. But even past that, many didn’t stand up before now, when that wasn’t a threat. Instead, they didn’t stand up because they had a relatively good life with minimal worries, so they never wanted to care or think about where the country was headed. So, they avoided the truth and what was happening. They willingly stayed blind. Many continue to do so.

No matter the reason why, it doesn’t make it any easier for us. We have to wait for the fall before we can make any moves, even though all of this could be prevented yesterday.

This is a sad and painful reality, but a reality that ever dissident comes to know on a personal level. Especially those of us who put our heart into the system in an age long ago.

Read next: The Collapse Of The Byzantine Empire


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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