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A Potential Nightmare Situation Is Unfolding: On The 2024 Election

Some thoughts and conspiracy angles about the upcoming 2024 election.

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My thoughts on the 2024 elections have been changing as of late. I used to hold the opinion that Trump and Biden were going to go head-to-head and that Biden would win again with five quintillion totally-not-fraudulent-at-all votes. As of late, I am not so confident in that initial assumption.

So, I figured I’d share where I’m at currently. If nothing else, to get you thinking. I fully admit that this could change at any point in time, given the rapidly changing environment of our elite-centralized country. One simple wind blowing the wrong direction could throw off my prediction. Since I’m not a prophet, I wouldn’t bet with this. It’s just my thoughts on where we may be heading.

In my article, 2023: Year In Review, I made my prediction about the upcoming election being Biden vs. Trump:

The biggest new topic is preparing for the election year next year. Regarding this, 2023 has all been guaranteed that Trump is likely to be a front runner unless he’s killed or taken off the ballot. Likewise, Biden appears to be running again, even though everyone seems to say that he will not be. As of now, it seems likely that we have a repeat of the 2020 election.

It seems that this prediction is likely to be correct. However, I did note that it would be a simple “repeat” of 2020. I now think I was wrong on that part.

Believe it or not, I am now of the opinion that Trump will win.

Not only that, but that the system wants him to win.

Two events have profoundly changed my opinion as of late. It is these two declarations by Trump:

  • Trump encourages foreign aid to Ukraine “as a loan” (even though he stated previously he was against Ukraine war funding): Here.
  • Trump encourages further escalation and violence in the Middle East by telling Israel to “finish the job” (clearly embracing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, which will certainly extend to the West Bank and Al Aqsa): Here.

In effect, what this means is that Tump just publically cucked to Ukraine funding (meaning he is willing to support the Deep State’s war against Russia) and has just given full support for Israel to genocide Palestinians (meaning he is willing to support the Deep State’s agenda in the Middle East).

He openly just signalled to the deep state and the world at large that he is going to drive home the neocon war strategy.

It is my strong assumption that these events (the conflicts around the world right now) are setting the stage for World War 3. Trump just indicated he is ready to go all-in on those conflicts. To continue them. To further them.

I do not know how anyone could see these two events and still think Trump is a useful idiot, or just a New Yorkian Boomer that is out of touch.

No, he is clearly compromised by the deep state now. They own him.

You cannot openly shill for every neocon position and not be owned by the deep state.

I don’t know how, and I don’t know when this happened, but this is clearly the situation right now.

Some people may think he is just a dummy who is being propped up to be holding the bag for when this all pops off, but don’t be stupid. It’s all too coincidental for that to be the case. And Trump is not that dumb, he is a smart man. He knows what is happening and what would happen, given these conflicts.

Yet he does it anyway. Which means we must assume that he is on their team now.

But the deepest conspiracy is that maybe, just maybe, he always was on their team. His last year in office sure points to that being the case.

Trump has always been against China and Venezuela, and now just gave full lip service to the neocon agenda everywhere else. That covers the entire conflict area around the globe right now. We’re talking full BRICS conflict.

Like I said though, let us also not forget the last year of the Trump presidency. I mention this year in another article titled ‘Trump’s Final Year: Greatest Peacetime Policy Disasters Of All Time‘:

Between allowing us all to be forcible locked down, devastating the economy supply lines, allowing BLM and Antifa to destroy most major cities including Washington D.C. itself, enacting “Operation Warpspeed” which led to covid vax mandates and a dangerous vax, opening up the money printer to insane levels causing massive inflation, encouraging a significant chunk of his most ardent supporters to get arrested and later imprisoned/tortured due to Jan 6, doing absolutely nothing to stop Big Tech/Big Pharma, and him immediately running away out of the spotlight for months after the transition, it’s really difficult to pick which decision was the worst of all.

That holds just as true today. Trump completely screwed us all in that final year of his presidency. He decimated our people with the lockdowns, poisoned hundreds of millions with the jab, and left the Jan 6 patriots out to drown for four years, weakening our position and making our dissident brothers afraid to stand up/fight back.

It sure seems like he was a plant from the beginning, if you tie in that last year and where things seem to be heading right now.

Maybe he was a Fed from the beginning, or maybe after he failed to cross the Rubicon in 2020 he cucked to save himself. I don’t know. I don’t really care. The reality is he is there now, and we need to open our eyes to this reality. This traitor is going to get us all killed.

You may be asking: “But Kaisar, why wouldn’t they just have Biden lead us into the war?”

The elites know if Biden drags the country into WW3, no one worth anything will fight. They’d have to draft. Which means a lot of pushback.

But what if Trump leads us?

How many well-intentioned but rosy-eyed young white MAGA men will sign up to go to war? How many of our misguided guardians are going to be tossed into the grinder with Trump at the helm?

Be honest in answering that question. I am sure you know personally men that would willingly fight if this were the case. I sure do.

The blue-hairs and soyboys are already on team-fight Russia and could easily be persuaded to jump on Iran or China given a little false flag. The real holdouts are us—the general rightwing.

But how many of us in the rightwing camp would hold out the resistance if Trump were the one leading us into the abyss? My assumption is not many. Dissidents, for sure. But we’re not numerically there to be impactful enough yet.

This smells like a George Bush all over again. But with World War 3 consequences.

Most of the average republican and conservative base are mostly blind, and look at the Trump years with nostalgia given how bad Biden has done. But that makes me think that even the poor performance by Biden—and him continuing to run—is all part of this performance.

They want people to think of Trump as the nostalgia good peaceful years, so when he leads us into war, we all think that it was truly inevitable. They want our boys to long for the “peace” that Trump “brought back”.

Hell, if Trump gets elected, they could even bring all the normies back into the sheepfold by pretending that the elections are valid again. Can’t you see it? All the talking heads yelling about how the people voted and how the system worked? I can. Young white men will fight for such a system if they truly believe it worked. This requires Trump winning the election.

All to pull the rug out underneath us once Trump is there.

I should have seen this coming earlier. Many of us thought Trump was well-intentioned but foolish, but he may not be as innocuous as he appears. I think he knows exactly what he is doing: Selling out to the Israeli lobby and the deep state.

Why? I can only guess. Maybe he wants back in to fulfill his legacy, and he’ll give them whatever they want to do so. Including his soul and the lives of thousands to millions of our own people. Or maybe they have threatened him and he fully cucked after Jan 6. Or maybe something else entirely happened. No one knows. We likely never will. But his recent comments about the geopolitical world are telling of his mindset now, nonetheless. He’s a deep state stooge.

The stage is being set. Don’t trust any of these “heros” at the top. Musk, Trump, “dementia” Biden, Gabbard, Haley, and the rest of them are all on the same team. Same players, same end result. But the play is potentially far more nefarious and long-term strategized than I had originally deemed probable.

Let me repeat: The stage is being set. If you thought the last few years were rough, I have some bad news: The insanity is only just beginning. Use the time you have now wisely.

Read Next: A Follow Up To My “Should You Vote?” Article


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390


  1. Been trying to point out to my tribe that Trump is no Caesar for us. It’s hard to reach people trapped by political ideology. So many former soldiers are also captured by the rhetoric “fight them there so we don’t fight them here”. I’ve tried to push back saying we should defend our homes and nothing overseas we do will be for our benefit.

    • Dead on James. It’s damn near impossible to reach most people, but we have to keep plugging away and trying. The few we do reach are worth it. Good luck, brother.

  2. The passion for Trump always bewildered me because he really is a loudmouth Yankee son of a who-haw, a man who once invoked eminent domain to take the family home of an elderly NJ woman in order to put up a parking lot! For a blankety blank cassino! So we have all these well-meaning, working & middle class Southerners who love a loudmouth Yankee who steals family homes? What?

    DH, that old hippy, is the kind of Vietnam veteran who ALWAYS calls Trump “President Bone Spur.” Maybe you can help this phrase catch on ….

    I loved his foreign policy because I am a deep dyed anti-imperialist, but for the same reason, I grew very leery of him for the sake of my Palestinian Christian friends. Trump should be supported as carefully as one might support any other loudmouth Yankee.

    • I loved his foreign policy because I am a deep dyed anti-imperialist, but for the same reason, I grew very leery of him for the sake of my Palestinian Christian friends. Trump should be supported as carefully as one might support any other loudmouth Yankee.

      Good points all around Nell, but especially on this part. Much caution should be placed on anyone with a background such as Trumps.

  3. You don’t listen very well.
    Watch Jan 6 speech about 44 min in.
    He says they are giving him 2024.
    Remember they own both sides. We are on our own.
    Thanks for all your hard work.

  4. funny how Americans still believe the right & left are separate and against one another! LMFAO!! These non-humans have been working together 24/7-365 and have planned years in advance. It’s total warfare- Us VS Them. Let’s go out and vote! LMFAO!
    I will admit tho I am observing Kennedy Jr. I can’t help but to wonder if he would also get knocked-off if he was to win..But unlikely he would win because if he really is who he claims to be why would the Elites screw up their years of planning!?

    curious. what’s your take on Alex Jones? He’s an all in-Trump fan boy. That’s crazy to me.

    Thanks for sharing, Kaiser!

    • Appreciate the comment Darkman, agreed fully.

      In my opinion, Alex Jones has his place. He helps our kind find the way over, even if he himself isn’t all the way there. But I have not really listened or heard much from him in a very long time, so not sure where he is at now. So not really sure where I stand on him anymore, since I rarely hear about him nowadays.

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