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These people are a disaster.
I like to poke fun at our Western Intelligentsia every once in a while…
But sometimes, they do the jokes for me.
This is one such time.
What even is this thing?
Notice the physiognomy. The outfit. The eyes. Title and last name. LGBT flag in the background. The *sixth!* covid vax message. Everything all points toward complete mental illness. This is a clear-cut case of leftist derangement syndrome. No cure has ever been found for someone this far along.
It is all so bad; I swore this had to be AI generated. Sadly, it’s not. It is completely real.
Never forget that these are the “people” creating the “research” that directs our responses to climate change, gender, public policy, and so on. When the news says “A new study points toward…”—This is the creature making such studies.
Would you trust this person if they stood in front of you and tried to sell you on a six-course of covid jabs using their authority position? Then why trust the scientism community at all? It’s just a hivemind of similar beings using the same fallacious, corrupt process.
For me, this is now the face of the sixth-time jabbed crowd. The hero; a perfect mascot. Whew.
Aren’t you glad you stayed pureblood yet?
Read Next: The Ultimate Cucking Of New Hampshire
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