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A New Red Meat Allergy

Ticks, a red meat allergy, and a national conspiracy all come together to form this article.

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A Tick Conspiracy Against Red Meat

In recent news:

CDC Warns Red Meat Allergy Caused By Ticks An ‘Emerging Public Health Concern’

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that red meat allergies caused by certain types of ticks is an “emerging public health concern” after two studies found that the phenomenon is on the rise.

Alpha-gal syndrome, or AGS, is a serious and potentially life-threatening allergic reaction that comes after people eat red meat or consume products that have alpha-gal, a type of sugar found in most mammals, according to the CDC.

The syndrome is caused by the lone star tick, which can transfer alpha-gal into an individual’s body. As a result, the body can develop an immune system response to the sugar whenever one consumes it.


“The number of suspected AGS cases in the United States has increased substantially since 2010, and states with established populations of lone star ticks are most affected, although suspected AGS cases were also identified in areas outside of this tick’s range,” the CDC said in a report this week.

As for the AGS meat allergy, it can manifest as anaphylaxis—or a life-threatening allergic reaction characterized by a sudden constriction of airways and a drop in blood pressure, according to the National Institutes of Health. Researchers say that unlike allergic reactions to other foods, which are generally immediate, AGS reactions can occur three to six hours after eating red meat.

AGS symptoms can include a rash, hives, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, shortness of breath, stomach pain, and heartburn. Symptoms can be mild to severe, officials have said.

So let me get this straight.

They’ve been pushing an anti-meat, “eat the bugs” agenda for years now, and then all of the sudden we have a tick that conveniently blocks people from eating meat by literally giving them anaphylaxis. Stemming from alpha-gal syndrome, which used to be incredibly rare but is now apparently blowing up in both severity and prevalence.

This happened right after they’ve openly been doing CRISPR gene editing, geoengineering, and bioengineering. Even going so far as to openly modify mosquito DNA, proving that they can modify the DNA and transmissibility of diseases in bugs.

This also after covid, which was clearly a man-made virus, proving that viruses can be created and manufactured to certain specifications in biolabs.

Oh, and add on that we’ve never had such an illness that became prolific ever before throughout all of our entire North American history. It just popped up out of nowhere right now.

Man, they really aren’t even hiding it in the slightest anymore.

Stuff like this can’t even be classified under conspiracy when it’s so obvious.

I always knew they would never be able to convince the majority to stop eating meat. Say what you want about Grill Americans, but that is one thing they won’t surrender.

But it seems like the rulers have a backup plan, and that backup plan involves no longer giving us the option.

They’ll make us eat ze bugs by spreading a life-threatening anaphylaxis allergy through ze bugs. Then if you eat it, you’ll just die. Quite the shrewd approach.

This story is a glimpse into the future. Pay attention, these are test runs.

I will do everything in my power to avoid lone star ticks from this point on. I love red meat too much to become allergic to it. To become a meatless soyboy is a sentence worse than death.

Read Next: The Lie Of Government Inefficiency


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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