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Why we must move from a consumption to production culture. Both from an individual mindset and a national mindset.
Consumption without production is dependence.
A production mindset is healthier than the alternative consumption mindset. This holds true at both a national and an individual level.
On the individual level, excess consumption is nearly synonymous with vice. Over-consumption of goods and services renders a person weak, dependent on the consumption. It leads directly to gluttony-related vices and debauchery.
Yet, all we do in the Western world is consume. Our people barely produce… well, anything. They consume television, products, services, and anxiously await for the next popular piece to consume. Never stopping to question this consumption trend. Never stopping to consider producing something of value or preserving something instead of further consumption.
You could lease a new car every three years. Or you could fix and maintain an older car, revitalizing and sustaining it. You could keep buying bigger, larger houses and boats. Or you could spend that money on something to build, invest to make yourself better, or contribute to strengthen your community.
The consumerist mindset is a selfish, degenerate one. The producer mindset is an entrepreneurial, builder one. Consumption leads to vice, whereas production leads to self-regulation and excess that we can share (like charity).
Most of the jobs that we take in the Western world aren’t even really “producing” anything of tangible value. It’s all fake jobs, supporting fake things, not actually producing anything. Even a lot of political activists on our side want to do nothing but consume politics, while not contributing or producing anything to actualize their political desires.
Even the things we do produce are foundationally built within our consumerist mindset. Turn on any video, music, or cultural production to see that theory in direct practice. Nearly every movie today is a trailer to consume a further movie. Nearly every cultural item is just an ad to consume something else. The very few things we do produce are based on furthering consumption, more than anything else.
It’s a sad, depleting existence. And it shows on the individual level as easily as the national level.
When America moved away from a producing and exporting nation, it showed. It showed in our cultural decline, self-image, and national spirit. We became the weak consumers, while other nations took up the mantle of producing tangible things of value.
A big part of our cultural downfall was the transition from a production economy to a consumption economy. Instead of building the best products and strongest communities, we slipped to vapid consumers looking for the next individualistic hit. We sold meaningful and spiritual things for meaningless goods to consume.
Not everyone in the Western world is under this blight. Some still produce; some still reject consumerism. But most have fallen for it.
But in many ways, the only way to fix what went so wrong in our nations is to go back to that production mindset. Both individually and nationally.
We have to reject needless consumerism on a personal level. Our nations need to become (mostly) self-sufficient, production-focused nations once again. Producing real things, of real value. We need to stop putting money toward people that hate us and want to destroy us and instead put it into our communities. Our nations need to use their money for the benefit of their own people, not the “international” or “worldwide” community.
Production versus consumption.
It will not be a simple change. I’m certain there is a tie between the “strong men create good times, good times create weak men, weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men” cycle and consumerism.
Strong men create good times through production, entrepreneurship, and strength. Good times result from the prosperity of production. Weak men create bad times through sloth, laziness, and debauchery. The latter being all key elements of extreme consumerism.
So, the only possible way to move forward on this cycle (or sustain yourself as the exterior world continues to cycle), is to focus on the production mindset. Build things. Create. Sustain. Become self-sufficient. Reject needless consumption, consumerism, and idolization of product. Create a production mindset within yourself.
First, free yourself. Then you’ll have the production mindset and determination needed so we can communally work to free the nation.
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