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A nation with a proper relationship to strength will not focus on conquest, but on temperance.
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The nation component (i.e.: the homogeneous people) must embrace strength.
The enactment of might and power is intrinsically linked with national sustainment. If a nation is not strong, how would they survive in the harsh world that we reside in? It’s a simple concept, an obvious one for most. Strength is a prerequisite for survival. This is as true for the individual as it is for the nation.
Strength is not just meant in a physical sense, but also includes moral strength, fortitude, and courage. It is a spiritual aspect (soul) of a resilient people.
A nationalist nation must be strong enough to resist invasion or exploitation by its neighbors, requiring not just individual but national strength. But the nation must also have the wisdom to not become overly fond of war, for the inevitable result of foreign conquest is cultural disintegration and heterogeneity, which, as we have disclosed, are elements of eventual degeneration. Conquest often leads to multiculturalism due to the conquering and forced intake of other nations.
The disintegration of a homogeneous culture occurs slowly over time as the empire weakens, as we witnessed with the degeneration of the Ottoman, Roman, and British empires. The empire’s conquered populations eventually pierced through the empire’s culture. Therefore, we require a level of temperance, which is a component of true strength. Moral strength of restraint is just as important as the physical strength of powerful deterrence. A nation must be strong enough to conquer, but not desiring to do so. That is true strength, and what would be known as “meek” to the Christian world.
Through embracing strength, we innately must reject the inverse: weakness. To be strong requires us to reject weak traits, such as tolerance (especially of evil), equality of outcome (the lack of acceptance of the reality of hierarchy, that some are better in certain fields than others), diversity (division), and the perversion of all necessary virtues.
The perversion of virtues is a key trait of the decline of nations. This occurs because strength dissipates when weak men proliferate.
Even civilizations as distant as ancient Athens in the fourth century B.C. figured out this effect. In the comedic play Assemblywomen by Aristophanes, Athens is overtaken by women due to the weak-willed nature of the current ruling men, leading the city into absolute degeneration. It depicts an Athens dominated by women that forces sexual equity among the old, infirm, and unattractive women along with a complete ban on private wealth. This is similar to the social ills that nations with weak men still deal with to this day.
A state that empowers neutered men will lose their strong and sustainable foundation, as evidenced by our current Western states. Virtues must never be positioned in second place. Even the ancient Greeks expressed this through comedic plays over two millennia ago.
But modern examples are also aplenty. The American Empire promotes itself as one of the strongest nations, but it can’t help but meddle in foreign entanglements constantly. The war in the middle east continues to rage on twenty years later, with no real end in sight. Our intelligence agencies have their hands in nearly every government and problem worldwide. The American Empire is not temperate; we are imperialist. And because of that, we are being invaded by hordes of foreigners from the countries that we destabilize. These things are not coincidental, they are directly correlated.
By accepting virtue, we must also reject the weak traits. For example, we are born unique, never equal. Tolerance differs greatly from temperance. But the perversion of real virtue can make it hard to see the degradation of real virtues into wicked ones. Only fortitude can resist this, with moral strength at the forefront. Strength requires prudence and courage to fight against evil. It requires the opposite of the perverted traits. Strength demands virtue. It requires us to be intolerant of evil, noncovetous, and unified. This is the exact opposite of weak traits such as tolerance, desiring an equality of outcome, and diversity.
Perhaps most importantly, an embrace of strength calls for a culture of self-sacrifice. It is the hallmark of the strongest men. We need these strong men to combat degeneracy.
It is obvious, but a nation cannot survive if it is not strong enough to do so. Once a people accept weakness, a stronger nation will eventually overtake it.
But in a non-obvious way, the nation must be strong enough to temperate their actions, so that overindulgence and conquest does not equally lead to their downfall.
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