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A Map Of Global Biolabs For Disease X

Linked within is a resource that I have been keeping my eye on for a while now. It is a map of the known global biolabs.

Global Biolab Map header image

Linked below is a resource that I have been keeping my eye on for a while now. It is a map of the known global biolabs.

If you are like most of us dissidents, then you probably are of the mindset that Covid was a planned event.

If it was planned, then those who planned it did so for a reason. The string-masters did not orchestrate and enact major worldwide changes without an end goal in mind.

I believe it was used to prepare for a future, actual pandemic. Which the rulers can couple with other cataclysmic events.

Wars, famine, and pestilence: A great way to reduce the population. Additionally useful to cement a hegemonic world order. Two things that both Christians and secular dissidents are likely to agree are in the works by our rulers (albeit for different reasons).

Even if covid was not for that, it was conducted for a purpose. So whatever the reason, what covid became and left behind was not the ultimate fulfillment. They are cooking up something else with it.

So, we should monitor them.

It came out of a biolab once, and it probably will again.

Take a look at it now, but also keep this resource in mind if you start hearing rumors of a disease spreading. Come back here when you do.

If such a disease starts anywhere near a biolab, it would be likely that we were dealing with a ‘Covid 2.0’, or a ‘real Covid’.

Here is a visual of the current map:

Global Biolabs Map: Biosafety Level 3+/4 - No Other Selections
Global Biolabs: Biosafety Level 3+/4 – No Other Selections

I have already shared my thoughts on the Covid Pandemic in recent articles. My most recent one can be found here:

That article is a pleasant companion to this map. Hope they both help and are of interest.

Read Next: A Map Of Cold War 2.0


Kaîsar is the sole owner of The Hidden Dominion. He writes on a wide range of topics including politics, governmental frameworks, nationalism, and Christianity.

Hosea 4:6 & Ezek 33:1-11

Articles: 1390

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