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It is time for a temporary technology purge. Expect fewer articles from me during this Lenten season.
For Lent this year, I intend to reduce my internet/technology usage.
Since I both work in the tech sector and run this website, I cannot fully remove myself, but I am going to limit it compared to my past usage.
This means you’ll be getting fewer articles from me.
I still intend to be around, but I do not know to what extent exactly. Maybe one or two articles a week, but I don’t want to hold myself to any specific requirement. If my personal work requires less, I will post more here. If work requires more, I will post here less.
I’m hoping to strike a healthy balance for the next little bit, to recharge and then come back even stronger.
Posting will be sporadic for the next six weeks because of this.
This is just a heads up, so no one has concerns. I’m doing alright; I just need a nice spiritual fast from technology consumption.
I do intend to be back to full force after Easter. I just really need this time to help the family, get serious about fasting, praying, and preparing, and commune better with God. As we all do occasionally depending on the season of life that we are in.
For the newer folks: I have a backlog of eight years’ worth of articles. There is plenty to dive into, if you are interested. If you’ve never read my Most Popular, I’d start there. And if you want some more up-to-date postings while I am out, I have a wealth of other recommended websites on my Recommended Reads page. Enjoy them all, if you can.
I updated the entire website this past week to prepare for this temporary hiatus. Recommended Reads, Most Popular Articles, Featured Articles, every article series, and so on have all been refreshed. I also introduced a new category on the homepage: World/Geopolitics.
All this will surely keep you busy until April rolls around.
As always, my sincerest thank you for being a reader here. It means a lot to me to have you all spend some of your time here. I hope I can continue to provide something of value to you all for years to come.
Enjoy Lent and may God bless you all this season.
Read Next: 2023: Year In Review
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Everyone needs a rest occasionally. Take care of yourself, Kaiser. Looking forward to reading whatever you put out during Lent!
It is true John, we all do need rest. Thanks and I appreciate the thoughtful comment.